Donald Trump is now under water on his handling of the Covid-19 outbreak. This week saw a 13 point swing for him in his net approval on his handling of the Coronavirus pandemic, from 52% to 42% (+10) to 47% to 50% (-3).
“Trump is wildly out of step with Americans with his new push to relax social distancing. Only 5% say we should roll back precautions, even at the expense of economic losses, while 74% say we should wait however long it takes for public health experts to say it’s safe, including 70% of Republicans.”
Navigator tracking poll
Joe Biden is up by 49% to 40% over Donald Trump, a lead that is outside the poll’s margin of sampling error.
Another 11% would vote for someone else or are undecided.
Biden’s advantage grows to 25 points, 57% to 32%, in close counties (where Hillary Clinton and Trump were within 10 points in 2016).
Fox News poll