This is pretty chilling.
Actually, Trump has, rather recklessly, minimized the threat of COVID-19 at every turn — and he’s sent his lackeys out to do the same. The nearly always wrong Larry Kudlow said a week ago that the U.S. had “contained” the virus “pretty close to airtight.” Needless to say, that’s not remotely true.
Trump himself said a vaccine was right around the corner and that the risk to Americans is “very low.” Neither of those statements is true. In fact, his COVID-19 press conference was a cavalcade of misleading statements and factual errors.
Trump also claimed the virus would probably go away in April “when the heat comes in.”
So why is The Daily Caller being allowed to question the editorial judgment of Politico? You’d have to ask Facebook that.
Well, in fact, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez already did (second tweet):
OCASIO-CORTEZ: Can you explain why you’ve named The Daily Caller, a publication well-documented with ties to white supremacists, as an official fact-checker for Facebook?
ZUCKERBERG: Congresswoman, sure. We actually don’t appoint the independent fact-checkers. They go through an independent organization called the Independent Fact-Checking Network that has a rigorous standard for who they allow to serve as a fact-checker.
OCASIO-CORTEZ: So you would say that white supremacist-tied publications meet a rigorous standard for fact-checking?
ZUCKERBERG: Congresswoman, I would say we’re not the one assessing that standard. The International Fact-Checking Network is the one setting that standard.
On a good day, Facebook is a cesspool of disinformation, and it’s nice they’re trying to clean it up. But in this case, anyway, they’ve summoned a bowl of shit to do the job for them.
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