In the press release, Biden uses the term “partial birth abortions”, classic right-wing anti-choice terminology which the forced-birthers in the right-wing have weaponized. He boasted of being of the “top five most conservative” Democrats, and touts the conservative National Journal’s analysis.
The document included a four-page review of moments dating back to 1983 in which Biden expressed openness to cutting Social Security and backed legislation that could have led to cuts. Those quotes highlighted by the Sanders campaign include a 1998 press release from Biden’s Senate office that boasted he was “one of [the] Senate’s most conservative Democrats.” According to the press release, that statement was based on a National Journal analysis of Biden’s 1997 votes, including his support for “banning late-term abortions” and backing a constitutional amendment designed to balance the federal budget.
“Ideological labels have never guided my votes,” Biden said in the press release. “I look at the merits of an issue, how it impacts people in Delaware, how it shapes national policies, and I follow my conscience. National Journal’s voting analysis, however, confirms what I have been saying for the past several years — moderates from both parties are the key political force in the Senate to getting the job done in Congress for the American people.” —
If you want a “top five most conservative Democrat”, who repeatedly boasted about forming a “key political force” with Republicans to “get the job done” (see Iraq), that would be Biden.
You could vote for the candidate who was right on Iraq, right on LGBT rights, right on a woman’s right to choose. Right on virtually each and every issue that Democrats value and consistent for decades. That would be Bernie Sanders.
Or, you could vote for a “top five most conservative Democrat”. That would be Joe Biden.
Please do vote in our straw poll below...
— @subirgrewal