On Friday, during one of the Trump blathering sessions where press is allowed, the less-orange haired president mentioned that a “Katie” on staff in the White House had tested positive for COVID-19. This very quickly led to speculation as to whether or not the president was speaking of Katie Miller, Vice President Mike Pence’s spokesperson and wife of racist immigration architect Stephen Miller.
A short while later, CBS News confirmed that Katie Miller, wife of dog poop stain Stephen Miller, had indeed tested positive for the novel coronavirus.
With reports that Katie Miller’s husband Stephen has been itching for a public health crisis under which he could implement even more ethno-state immigration policies, this must come as a blow. This news comes one day after it was reported that Trump’s personal valet had tested positive for the virus. The White House announced that both Pence and Trump would be getting daily COVID-19 tests as a result, and now, with the entire West Wing of the White House potentially exposed to the virus from at least two separate sources, that testing will be needed.
Donald Trump, incoherent as ever, told the media that "She tested positive out of the blue. This is why the whole concept of tests aren't necessarily great. The tests are perfect, but something can happen." I’m not sure what that means exactly. Trump followed up that deep thought with this amazing bit of infectious disease analysis.
I know an 18-year-old cat with bad kidneys who could run our country better.