I was just reading this story about the Orange Shitgibbon’s failing campaign. “Trump’s 2020 campaign is deeply dysfunctional: reports” by Cody Fenwick at Alternet www.rawstory.com/… (10 June 2020)
It mentions, like many articles today, that the Orange Shitgibbon and his homonculi cannot define Joe Biden. That is because Biden is likeable. We already know him. From the previous campaign, we know that he is “Old Man Strong”. When that Amtrak train breaks down, he’s gonna’ pull that Amtrak train to D.C. with his teeth. He was part of a beloved administration. His former boss is still beloved. Good ‘Ole Uncle Joe is reliable. He’s down to earth. He’s an all around good guy. A guy we can depend upon. That’s the thing! The Orange Shitgibbon’s troglodytes will never be able to define Good ‘Ole Uncle Joe. Good ‘Ole Uncle Joe is the guy we all want to listen to after the Barbecue, regaling us with tales of yesteryear. Good ‘Ole Uncle Joe reminds us of that generation long ago… you know, the Greatest Generation.