Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden marked the 8th anniversary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program’s announcement by recommitting to using “the full extent” of his executive powers to protect young immigrants from deportation as he works on permanent legislation should he be elected president in November.
“Dreamers deserve to be able to plan their lives with confidence, as do the 11 million undocumented individuals who are living in and enriching our country every day,” he said in a Medium post on Monday. “On my first day as President, I’ll be sending to Congress a bill outlining a clear roadmap to citizenship. And, as we work to pass a permanent, legislative reform through Congress, I’ll use the full extent of my executive authority to protect Dreamers and keep their families together.”
Biden also made the recommitment (he had previously said he would use executive action to protect DACA recipients in his immigration plan) as hundreds of thousands of young immigrants protected by the program are living in heightened anxiety due to an imminent court ruling that will determine the future of the program under this current administration. While no court decision came on Monday, the court is set to release more opinions on Thursday.
“Now, eight years after our administration made history by creating DACA, the fate of more than 700,000 DACA recipients hangs on the outcome of a Supreme Court ruling,” he continued. “Imagine the anxiety these young people are facing every day, on top of the anger and stress being felt all across our country as we grapple with racial inequities in our society and the fears of living through a pandemic. Imagine going to bed last night wondering if this morning would be the day that decided your fate, or next Thursday, or the week after that. It’s no way to live.”
Biden also slammed Senate Republicans for refusing to take up legislation passed by the House of Representatives that would put DACA recipients onto a path to citizenship, echoing demands from young immigrants who have said that legislation that Congress ultimately passes for signage into law must contain no poison pills coming at the expense of other immigrant communities.
“Immigrant youth are not a negotiating chip,” Biden continued. “They are not disposable. They are an integral part of the American fabric. Their story is our story, and their struggles are our struggles. Donald Trump and the Republicans in Congress should stop threatening their lives for political gain and instead follow the leadership of Democrats and the House of Representatives and immediately pass into law the Dream and Promise Act.”
This month marks the one year anniversary of this bill’s passage in the House. Despite poll after poll of overwhelming support from American voters for allowing undocumented immigrant youth to stay here, Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refuses to allow the bill to see the light of day in the chamber. So while impeached president Donald Trump is certainly the person ultimately responsible for upending the lives of DACA recipients, he’s getting plenty of help from congressional Republicans.
“Let’s give these young people the certainty and the hope for their futures that they deserve,” Biden continued. “Let’s finally give them the chance and the opportunity they need to claim their full share of the American Dream.”
In reaction to Biden’s commitment, United We Dream Action tweeted: “While Trump is gearing up to use the deportation machine of ICE & CBP to jail and deport DACA recipients, Joe Biden commits to use his executive power to stop deportations and keep families together. These commitments are a testament to the power of immigrant youth & our families who courageously keep fighting to end deportations. Biden must continue to listen to the voices of those directly impacted.”