Several weeks ago, my wife said she was “weary,” which I thought was the perfect adjective to describe my mood. “Tired” means I’ve lost an hour of sleep and need to go to bed an hour early to “catch-up.” “Exhausted” means a project was due and I had to compress 60 hours of work into 40. “Weary” means that even a vacation won’t bring me back to normal.
And that is what makes “weary” the perfect word to describe my mood after nearly four years of the Trump presidency. Every 24-hour news cycle seems like a year. As I was writing this, I was reminded of the first events after Trump’s inauguration — a debate of crowd size (which was brilliantly parodied by Melissa McCarthy) and the ensuing chaos of the travel ban. That seems like a century ago — hell, his impeachment this Spring now seems like an event from the distant past.
And that brings me to the need to find something that inspires me. Monday I was on the treadmill trying to find something to listen to when the name “Malcolm X” popped into my head. For those of you who are unfamiliar with him, please buy and read — scratch that, CONSUME — his autobiography. It is one of the most amazing journeys you’ll ever read. Or, watch the movie, Malcolm X, starring Denzel Washington. Hell, do both.
I went over to YouTube and found this speech and was amazingly inspired. Here’s a link to the full speech. I’ve added a link at the end of this.
If Malcolm can overcome all the things he had to, then we can, too. All of us. In one combined effort to bring this sociopath and his political enablers to electoral and criminal justice. Let’s make this happen.