In a rational world we would never have heard of Stella Immanuel. A nation with rational national leadership would never promote such a person while simultaneously attacking the credibility of professionals like Dr. Fauci.
Yes, the same President, national leadership and conservatives who attempt to undermine Dr. Fauci promoted as "terrific" a woman who believes vaccines are made from space alien DNA and that women can get pregnant from demons in their sleep by dreaming about sex with movie stars, a process she calls "astral sex." This is really happening in America folks.
That our national leadership is promoting crazies like Stella Immanuel, and attacking men like Dr. Fauci, is all you need to know to understand why this nation has failed so miserably with this pandemic. We aren't worst in the world by accident.
A nation contaminated with Birtherism, Pizza Gate, QAnon and now the likes of Stella Immanuel vomiting up Presidentially endorsed science defying medical advice is utterly incapable to dealing with a crisis that requires real science and fact driven policy making. We have fallen so far that our President is actually promoting a woman who literally pushes voodoo.
He said he would rely on magic to make it disappear, and now he is.
Here are some of the remarkable beliefs of Trump’s most recent “medical advisor.”