By Hal Brown, MSW, International blogger, see bottom of page.
I hope Cohen has a section of his book with photos like these.
Now it turns out that not only did the Steele dossier allege that Trump engaged in urophilia as an observer in a hotel room in Moscow, but according to Michael Cohen he also participated in this activity at Vegas sex clubs. Whether as an observer or participant has not been revealed.
I stiffed contractors on his behalf, ripped off his business partners, lied to his wife Melania to hide his sexual infidelities, and bullied and screamed at anyone who threatened Trump’s path to power. From golden showers in a sex club in Vegas, to tax fraud, to deals with corrupt officials from the former Soviet Union, to catch and kill conspiracies to silence Trump’s clandestine lovers, I wasn’t just a witness to the president’s rise—I was an active and eager participant.
Rachel Maddow show screen shot
The portion of the Cohen forward that struck me as most telling and relevant wasn't about golden showers in Las Vegas, although this is the most salacious. What jumped off the page was this:
As you read my story, you will no doubt ask yourself if you like me, or if you would act as I did, and the answer will frequently be no to both of those questions. But permit me to make a point: If you only read stories written by people you like, you will never be able to understand Donald Trump or the current state of the American soul. More than that, it’s only by actually understanding my decisions and actions that you can get inside Trump’s mind and understand his worldview. As anyone in law enforcement will tell you, it’s only gangsters who can reveal the secrets of organized crime. If you want to know how the mob really works, you’ve got to talk to the bad guys. I was one of Trump’s bad guys. In his world, I was one hundred percent a made man.
I am sure others will be writing about the revelations and hints of what’s to come in the soon to be published book from the Michael Cohen foreword which you can download for free here. Since my expertise is in psychology I will focus on one aspect, true the most prurient but also within the area of my general field. I am not a sexologist but I do know something about what are called paraphilias having read up on them as I studied Trump.
Excuse me for being lazy, but rather than go into this again, I’m just going to repost the diary from March of 2018. You can read the comments to the original diary here. It begins below:
The slang terms are golden showers or watersports. The later is not in the Olympics.
Donald Trump Russia GIF By The Late Show With Stephen Colbert — click to animate.
The above GIF was made from a 11:30 minute segment of The Late Show” Stephen Rents The 'Trump Pee Pee Tape' Hotel Room For A Night. It is only a second or so long at 8 minutes but start to watch at 7 minutes.
A website published by the Sociology Department at the University of California Santa Barbara called SexInfo Online saved me the trouble of translating more technical language into a form more accessible to a general readership not already familiar with urophilia. Here’s how they describe urophilia:
Urophilia, also known as "golden showers" or "watersports," is a sexual variation where people derive pleasure from urine or urination.1 The arousal is associated with smelling, feeling, or tasting urine, as well as urinating on someone or being urinated on by someone else. Sometimes, the pleasure derives from the physical urine (i.e., the warmth and the smell). Other times the person associates the urine and urination with intimacy, closeness, and trust. Urination can play a role in sadomasochistic activities, where the sadist will demonstrate dominance by urinating on the masochist. Some women find that their orgasms are more intense and pleasurable when they have a full bladder, or when they urinate during orgasm.
People who take part in urophilia are referred to as urophiliacs. Although urophilia encompasses a variety of behaviors and sexual practices involving urine, researchers have identified three primary functions of urine for urophiliacs: REFERENCE SEXINFO ONLINE
“Urophilia is listed as a “paraphilia not otherwise specified” (PNOS) in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). REFERENCE SEXINFO ONLINE
Trump does seem to not meet the criteria for an urophilia paraphilia because he does not meet the following:
“Fantasies, objects, and behaviors are considered paraphilic when they are obligatory, result in sexual dysfunction, involve non-consenting partners, lead to legal complications, or interfere with social relationships. Experiencing interest in sexual activities considered to by atypical — such as urophilia — does not qualify as a disorder. Urophilic desires are only problematic if they cause distress or pose a threat to other individuals. Experimenting with golden showers is healthy, as long as it is between two consenting partners and appropriate safety precautions are practiced. The key to this type of sexual activity is communication. One never knows if their partner is open to new sexual experiences unless they ask!” REFERENCE SEXINFO ONLINE
We won’t know what form of urophila turned Trump on until the tapes are released. Did it involve him urinating on someone? If so there’s a sadomasochist element. He know he enjoys humiliating other It could be his being urinated on although he seems more like a sadist than a masochist. Could it involve watching women urinate on each other or an object like a bed?
There are suggestions that he was aroused by watching women urinate, and that this was made more pleasurable by imagining the Obama's in the same bed.
While Trump’s urophilia may not be considered a paraphilia, he does meet the criteria for having another one, and a more serious one since it is both a sign of his sadism and for him has led to breaking the law by assaulting women. I wrote about this on Daily Kos on Aug. 26, 2017: Trump, not just a malignant narcissistic, or a mere sociopath, but a sadist bully too. Interestingly, when I search Trump toucherism another Daily Kos piece came up: Trump's PARAPHILIA, by RCappers.
The closest Trump has come to physicality (that we know of for sure) is his grabbing women in the genitals. The pleasure, while it seems entirely sexual, it isn’t entirely. It also is enhanced by taking the woman by surprise. I think a case can be made that toucherism (below) is psychosexual sadism.
Toucherism is sexual arousal based on grabbing or rubbing one's hands against an unexpecting (and non-consenting) person. It usually involves touching breasts, buttocks or genital areas, often while quickly walking across the victim's path. Wikipedia
I’m not even sure that bullying occurs on a spectrum with the most benign not being a sadist, rather being someone who just enjoys intimidating others to those who get visceral — perhaps sexual — pleasure in doing so. I think all bullying is sadistic, just some bullies are more sadistic than others.
Psychology Today had a long detailed article on this in January. That was number one on the Google search. If you Google Trump urophilia my Daily Kos piece is number two on a much longer list.
I don't know how much damage the Michael Cohen book will do to Trump’s reputation or how much publicity he will give it by tweeting about it. You’d think he’d have learned his lesson by tweeting about Mary Trump since it only increased interest in her book. Aside from members of his family there is no-one who knew Donald Tump better than Michael Cohen. What do you think about the impact it will have compared to the impact of the Mary Trump book?
Shameless promotion: I don’t know how my little blog ended up with readers from around the world. But it did.