I’ve been busy, having fun, growing stuff.
Pinky Winkey hydrangea
their corner
the flower beds are almost weedless due to the obsession of my quarantined wife
view from top of the hill
view from the bedroom balcony
new grass filling in
the field has been “plowed” with a large gang rig of discs, tines and a paddle
the bedroom deck is at the far end of the house
carnations are taking off
backyard from Harley’s drive
this came together about as expected. The little dahlias are not going well yet, the deer trim the shrubs
Funny story, about 4:30 Thursday afternoon the front doorbell rang. I went out expecting a retreating fedex truck. there was a very pleasant young woman asking if she could do a photo shoot at my place. She had a guy as subject, not sure just what the goal was. They spent a lot of time at the roses, and out back with the big hydrangeas.
out front
the sage is growing a bit high for this spot
lots of new dahlias
some heather
I have some new dahlias along the rhodys
sage fits here
tomatoes and peppers
Sriracha mayo salad
not much to add.