Here at Top Comments we welcome longtime as well as brand new Daily Kos readers to join us at 10pm Eastern. We strive to nourish community by rounding up some of the site's best, funniest, most mojo'd & most informative commentary, and we depend on your help!! If you see a comment by another Kossack that deserves wider recognition, please send it either to topcomments at gmail or to the Top Comments group mailbox by 9:30pm Eastern. Please include a few words about why you sent it in as well as your user name (even if you think we know it already :-), so we can credit you with the find!
In solidarity with my many Democratic siblings, I ‘attended’ NN 2020 this year from home. I told some of my friends this evening that I find the ending of the conference to be a bit heartbreaking, each year, and this year is no exception.
Yet, it is cause for celebration, as well.
In early 2002, my sisters and brother-in-law and I attended the Winter Olympic Games, in Salt Lake City. The Games were unlike any Games before them, because they followed by scant months the terrorist attacks on 9/11. All of the planning that had gone into those Games (since they were awarded to Salt Lake City in 1995) had to be totally revamped because of changed security concerns. Absolutely everything had to be reconsidered and rethought.
Of course, Netroots Nation isn’t as large an undertaking, but the organizers had less time to change plans for Denver. Make no mistake. They had to work their asses off to bring the event off. They did a magnificent job. They put on an unforgettable event, and unprecedented event, in the face of terrible obstacles. They set the stage for the Democratic victory we all need on Nov. 3. They gave remarkable gifts of energy and inspiration. We owe them a debt of gratitude.
To all of my friends, to all of those I did not get to see, and hug, and laugh with and cry with, I miss you every bit as much as I have at any time since NN ‘19. But I feel as close to you as I ever have. And I look forward to a much happier, much more promising 2021. Even if NN21 has to be done virtually, too.
(Incidentally, if you don’t already know, the keynotes were done live on YouTube, and may be viewed there at any time. Opening Keynote, Friday Keynote, Closing Keynote.)
Thanks for reading. On to tonight’s comments.
Top Comments
Brillig's ObDisclaimer: The decision to publish each nomination lies with the evening's Diarist and/or Comment Formatter. My evenings at the helm, I try reeeeallllyy hard to publish everything without regard to content. I really do, even when I disagree personally with any given nomination. "TopCommentness" lies in the eyes of the nominator and of you, the reader - I leave the decision to you. I do not publish self-nominations (ie your own comments) and if I ruled the world, we'd all build community, supporting and uplifting instead of tearing our fellow Kossacks down. Please remember that comment inclusion in Top Comments does not constitute support or endorsement by diarist, formatter, Top Comments writers, Barack Obama or DailyKos. Questions, complaints or comments? Contact brillig.
From Hinoema01:
Top Mojo for yesterday, August 14th, 2020, first comments and tip jars excluded. Thank you mik for the mojo magic! For those of you interested in How Top Mojo Works, please see his diary on FAQing Top Mojo.
Top Pictures
Top Pictures for August 14, 2020! Thanks so much, jotter!
Apologies, a technical glitch has discombobulated Top Pictures for tonight, hope to have it fixed soon!