In addition to the more serious disasters that tRump has created by being unable to focus on anything except tRump, he got himself into a bit of a pickle with his slogan — Make America Great Again. Over the last 4 years he has driven the administration train off collapsing bridge after collapsing bridge into ever deeper canyons. He now owns the worst health crisis since 1918, the worst economy since 1929 and the most widespread civil unrest since the 60’s. He’s managed to make America worse than it’s been since 1865. His new slogan for this year — Keep America Great rings more than a little hollow, especially after he managed to bungle his way to becoming the leading cause of death in the entire country.
tRump train moving forward towards the 2020 elections
Republicans desperately need to find a new slogan as they are incapable of longer messaging or concrete policy proposals. Their decades long focus on flimflammery over substance, dollars over people, and obedience over competence has left them ill-suited to do anything except to posture and pose while reciting stale talking points.
Their current outreach to minority communities is reduced to promising to keep Stephen Miller away from anyone willing to vote for tRump.
When presented with a problem the first question they ask is, “How can we make this worse?”
The only solution they are willing to propose is the final one.
It’s clear — they need our help. Because we are taking the high road, I thought we could help them with their slogan problem.
Proposed Replacement Slogans for the 2020 Republican Campaigns
Vote Republican — You need something to regret.
tRump 2020 — Why not? You have nothing left to lose.
tRump 2020 — You can’t handle the truth.
tRump 2020 — Never admit your mistakes.
tRump 2020 — There will never be another abortion after we destroy the planet.
tRump 2020 — In your heart you know you’re wrong.
Kelly Loeffler — If you are lucky, she’ll throw you a crumb.
Lindsey Graham — Obsequious hypocrites need jobs too.
Mitch McConnell — I’m not good for anything, but I’ve been here a long time.
I’m sure you all have some suggestions to add to this list. I know they’ll really appreciate our efforts during their time of need.
Michelle Obama’s entire speech to the convention is included in the ads section.
Up the Resistance!
Music for Resisting
Ad(s) of the Day (with extra convention coverage)
Evening Shade appears every evening at 7:30PM Eastern (unless I get lazy).