For several years, the Pier in St Pete FL was a local political issue. Originally built in the 20’s and replaced several times since, the latest version was built in the 70s and was by 2010 showing its age. The Mayor wanted to tear it down and replace it completely, but a successful citizen referendum decided that it be repaired and refurbished instead. But the Mayor tore it down anyway. Chaos ensued. Finally after years of fighting and delays, the new Pier was finished—just in time for the Covid pandemic. Since most of the new Pier is outdoors, I was able to visit during an afternoon walk.
Some photos.
The new Pier
The walkways are shaded by solar panels
A sculpture made of netting called “Bending Arc”: its billowing reminds us that change is constant
Playground for the kids
A dancing fountain
Fountain and retaining pond
Sweeping walkways
Brown Pelican
Sailboats out on the Bay
One of several restaurants
Discovery Center with Aquarium
Memorial to the first commercial airline, which flew from St Pete to Tampa. The statue hasn’t been installed yet.
Downtown St Pete skyline