Good Wednesday Good Newsies, Gnusies, Newbies and all of you who just stop by to read the good news of the day! The DNC has me more fired up more than I already was! Joe and Kamala will heal our nation and we the people could not be a more timely message! It is official!
You may call me an obsessed Daily Kos reader and news junkie in general. In being that kind a girl, I see a lot of doom and gloom out there. I know nothing is ever guaranteed and we cannot become complacent in this fight. I also ask you all to forget most of the rethugs who still support tRump. I do think there is a small cohort who will change their minds, but even keeping his base support is not enough for him to win! I know, he is going to try and cheat. For the love he said that quite part out loud. Good to know because we have chance to organize and GOTV! Let’s just take a brief look at some issues.
Look, this was the most blatantly stupid move the tangerine turd could have possibly made! I live in a rural village and the post office is the most counted on service. And I am in NY, not Montana or the Dakotas. When you do not get your medicine on time or your birthday card from your grandchild never shows up, people are going to get angry. So this is more than about voting the dimwit never considered.
Plus, Nancy is on it. I have heard a lot of Nancy bashing but this hero of a women knows what she is doing. She has already stated it is not good enough that the shenanigans will be stopped, but how are they going to fix what they have wrought.
Oh and the Senate calling DeJoker to testify before the Congressional appearance? Thank you! Kamala will prep you for Katie, good luck.
Russia, Russia, Russia
My, my, my as Kenda would say. I am thinking they have blown their “October” surprise right out of the stratosphere.
Conservative calls new Senate Russia findings ‘everything but a signed and notarized confession’ from Trump
Conservative Bush speechwriter David Frum took to Twitter after the release of the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee findings of the Russia investigation. The committee found evidence that there was coordination between the Russians and President Donald Trump’s campaign in 2016.
Frum described it as being “everything but a signed and notarized confession” from Trump.
Here are 7 damning revelations from the new Senate report on Trump and Russia
1. Paul Manafort worked closely with a “Russian intelligence officer.”
Among the most explosive allegations in the Mueller report were the ties between Manafort, Trump’s campaign manager for the summer of 2016, and Russia. In particular, he had a series of contacts and meetings with Konstantin Kilimnik, who was known to have a past with Russian intelligence.
2. Kilimnik and Manafort are even potentially tied to the criminal hacking of Democratic emails.
Kilimnik’s links to Russian intelligence and Mueller’s finding that Manafort shared internal campaign data with him were some of the most explosive revelations in the entire scandal. And the Senate report makes those findings even more inflammatory by tying Kilimnik to the hack-and-leak operation…
3. Trump discussed WikiLeaks with Stone during his 2016 campaign
In written responses during Mueller’s investigation, Trump denied recalling having communications with Roger Stone about WikiLeaks’s leaking of the hacked Democratic emails in 2016. A lot of evidence already suggested that was false and that Trump likely lied to Mueller about it — which would be a crime.
4. Stone e-mailed draft tweets to Trump attacking Hillary Clinton for her anti-Russia views
Politico’s Natasha Bertrand noted that Stone was suggesting these tweets even while he was trying to act as a conduit between the campaign and WikiLeaks.
5. Stone wanted WikiLeaks to drop new hacked emails after the Access Hollywood tape went live — and it did.
6. Kilimnik helped push the story that Ukraine intervened in 2016, but the committee found no evidence to support that view.
Fiona Hill, Trump’s former White House aide specializing in Russian affairs, famously called the Ukraine allegations a “fictional narrative that has been perpetrated and propagated by the Russian security services themselves.”
7. The committee believed that WikiLeaks was actively collaborating with Russia, despite its claims to the contrary.
And then, in one heavily redacted section, the report leaves one sentence uncovered: “However, the Committee found significant evidence to suggest that, in the summer of 2016, WikiLeaks was knowingly collaborating with Russian government officials.”
What we all already knew is out there in plain view. Knowledge is power. We still have to be steadfast. I will mention though the media I watch has been really good at reporting this.
So, the bedbug in the White House is still taking marching orders from his BFF but this is another case of the sh*t is out in the public and we are more and more inspired to vote!
Racism, xenophobia and misogyny
I know the fear is out there that these horrific traits of this inhuman, completely lacking in morals or ethics, of a “person” playing pResident will rally those who harbor these same beliefs and they will storm the ballot box and win the day. Nope. It is actually quite comical watching these morons trying to “win the suburbs”. Support for Black Lives Matter is extremely strong, women are especially tired of all of this behavior and rhetoric and of course young people want no part of it.
The courts also continue to kick this maladministration butt.
Judge Temporarily Blocks Trump from Rolling Back Trans Health Protections
A federal judge has temporarily barred the Trump administration from erasing an Affordable Care Act provision that protects transgender patients from discrimination in health care settings.
Judge Frederic Block found that the administration’s new rule was at odds with a recent Supreme Court case establishing that employers cannot discriminate against transgender people in the workplace, and additionally called out the Department of Health and Human Services for finalizing the regulations in June:
“When the Supreme Court announces a major decision, it seems a sensible thing to pause and reflect on the decision’s impact,” Block wrote, according to the Washington Post. “Since HHS has been unwilling to take that path voluntarily, the Court now imposes it.”
So stay strong!
A tradition of the Village I feel I need to keep up, (from yesterday).
Also from Tuesday!
So tRump will say he had 289 million viewers…
Okay one more because I love knowing this is keeping donnie eating more hamberders and drinking diet coke whilst he sulks in front of the teevee.
Yes, he is a piece of crap stuck to the bottom of my shoe but...oh and he and Rachel Maddow are in talks so I am into to that! What an interview that will be. The mango maniac will need more than a rally to counter that humiliation.
To give us a break, one of the things I loved most Monday night was this: (not staying up late enough to wait for posts from last night, share in the comments please)
This Joe Biden / Bruce Springsteen 'The Rising' Ad Makes YOU Cry, Not Us, Shut Up F*ck You
About 20 minutes into the first night of the Democratic National Convention last night, a new video for Joe Biden aired, featuring Bruce Springsteen's 2002 song "The Rising," that remarkable anthem for 9/11 that doesn't include any calls for kicking ass, getting revenge, or otherwise piling up bodies, because quite enough had been piled up already. It's an apt choice, given that we're now scores of 9/11s into the coronavirus pandemic and one party's response has amounted only to "it is what it is."
This is one part of the Senate report I am really happy about, especially for his family.
Exhaustive Bipartisan Senate Investigation Finds ‘No Credible Evidence’ for Seth Rich Conspiracy Theory
The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on Tuesday released its most comprehensive report yet on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, revealing new details about Russia’s attempts to disrupt the campaign and help elect Donald Trump.
The new report goes the furthest of any U.S. government document in debunking the viral conspiracy theory that a murdered Democratic National Committee staffer named Seth Rich played a part in the 2016 hacking and leaking of internal DNC documents later published by WikiLeaks. This baseless theory about Rich was stoked by WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange during several interviews he gave in 2016. But the Senate intelligence committee’s new report found no evidence for this theory, describing Assange’s comments related to Rich as “disinformation” and a “conspiracy theory.”
Now Gnusies I am moving on from politics.
Tiny elephant shrew species documented in Horn of Africa for first time in nearly 50 years
Scientists working in the Horn of Africa have documented the existence of a remarkable little mammal called the Somali elephant shrew -- or Somali sengi -- for the first time since the 1970s.
While local people were aware that the mouse-sized
critters lived in the area, there was no scientific information on their populations, according to research from Duke University published Tuesday.
The Somali sengi uses its nose to sift through leaf litter in search of insects to eat, Duke researcher Steven Heritage told CNN.
Strangely it is neither a shrew nor a mouse, but is instead closely related to elephants, aardvarks and manatees, all of which have similar trunks.
Something exciting is happening at the San Francisco Conservatory of Flowers. Its massive Amorphophallus titanum, aka corpse flower, is in bloom! Catch "Terra the Titan," as they've named it, on their livestream while you can. The flower, which is known to bloom every seven to 10 years or so, will only be open for roughly 24-36 hours before it collapses and dies. Be glad you can watch the flower from afar. They're known for their overpowering putrid stench which is said to be reminiscent of rotten flesh.
This next one touched me as we try to keep in touch with our older adult members of our center during these times.
Melbourne's Yarra Plenty regional libraries may have closed to the public in March, but the staff continued their public outreach by reviewing their patron database for anyone over age 70 and calling them.
Okay, I thought the title was kind of funny…
Watch any kid play with a tape measure and you’ll understand where researchers from the Seoul National University of Science and Technology found the inspiration for their new chameleon-like robot that can snag objects with its artificial tongue over 30 inches away in less than 600 milliseconds.
Snatcher, as the robot’s called, wasn’t just inspired by tape measures. If you look closely the tongue part that shoots out and retracts is the metal ruler salvaged from an actual tape measure because of its ability to neatly roll up very quickly. The rest of the robo-chameleon weighs in at less than 120 grams and features a custom wind-up spring-powered mechanism with a special clutch that can quickly alternate between powering a gear that extends the long metal tongue and a gear that retracts it.
The New Solar Farm Is a Real Farm, Too
When Randolph County’s $242 million Riverstart Solar Park is completed in 2022, it will be Indiana’s biggest. Thousands of photovoltaic panels covering 1,400 acres of rural land will generate enough clean electricity to power 36,000 homes.
Massive solar farms like this can be a touchy subject with locals. So, in the lead-up to the project’s approval, county legislators ensured the developer would be a good neighbor, with measures to avoid glare from the panels and mandated setbacks from roads and highways. And then they took it one step further, requiring the planting of pollinator-friendly plants like wildflowers and clover, in addition to native grasses. It was the first such mandate in state history.
The requirement will ensure that Riverstart will benefit the very land it is situated on — a very different approach from the way solar farms have historically been conceived and built. Typically, U.S. solar projects are built on marginal lands or farmland, with panels mounted on ground covered with gravel or turf. It’s a farm in name only, an ecological dead zone, despite the clean energy benefits. But as the ordinance for Riverstart shows, this is changing, and solar farms are increasingly being seen as more than just a means to generate clean energy.
Riverstart’s design takes into account the health of bee populations, which is critical because we rely on pollinators to fertilize our food plants — everything from apples to almonds, blueberries to squash. Bees are in decline in many parts of the world. Fruit trees on some Chinese farms are now pollinated by feather-wielding humans, and just last year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture funded a grant exploring the use of drones to pollinate fruit crops in Washington State. For Randolph County, about 80 miles northeast of Indianapolis, the ordinance approval comes at a time when Indiana’s native pollinator species have declined below the number needed to pollinate crops, with honey bee colonies in some areas facing collapse.
We still need to work hard, but we will succeed!
From Indivisible:
Here are a few things you can do right now:
You really should follow, rec, tip and share Yosef52’s diaries! Not just the one linked but all of them!! Do it, just do it! GOTV!
NNNE posts the Evening Shade each night.
Goodie posts 100 Days of Loving Joe Biden.
I know I have posted this song many times but here we are again! We have a new go high message now.
Fight, GOTV, Vote!
We are the majority!
Share all the news I missed in the best comments section ever!!! Plus it is official! Did I say that