Happee Freiday, Peeps! Hope everyone is doing well, staying safe, and being good. OK...maybe not so much with the “being good.”
We’ve had a good week, if you’ve watched the Democratic Convention. I missed most of the first night, but Wednesday and Thursday gave me great hope that we’ll be just fine, as long as we VOTE!! You know teh Pooties an’ Woozles an’ Birds ae depending on us, so...get yer vote on!
And now...for our (un)usual Freiday fun!
There are new babies everywhere!
Everything...is gonna be alright…..
Wait...when did we become Egyptians???
We’re ALL Egyptians if we wanna be…...walk like ya wanna…..sit where ya wanna...BE TEH POOTIE!
Don’t worry….be a woozle!
It’s still playtime, right??
yesh!! get inna car!!
yuz doan hafta sing...but it wuld be nice!
Dis mah “Bengal Blep!”
Have a great weekend, evvybuddy!!
Be safe, keep well...and let your hearts be light!