Sorry I missed this:
Amy McGrath is calling on Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron to release the findings of the investigation into Breonna Taylor's death or hand the case over to an independent counsel who can ensure a fair and timely process.
Cameron announced on May 13 that he would conduct the investigation instead of giving it to a special outside counsel to handle, such as a local commonwealth or county attorney.
McGrath, the Kentucky Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate, said Cameron has failed to show the public he has made the Taylor investigation a priority.
Here’s Attorney General Daniel Cameron’s (R. KY) statement:
Reminder, Cameron served as McConnell’s general counsel from 2015-2017. Plus, I can’t say I’m surprised by this:
Attorney General Daniel Cameron has not discussed his office's high-profile Breonna Taylor investigation with his mentor and former boss, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the longtime senator said Monday.
When asked if he has offered Cameron any advice on that case or if Cameron has reached out to him about it, McConnell said: "Well, we've not discussed it, but I have a great deal of confidence in the attorney general.
"And apparently it's taking longer than a lot of people expected, and I can understand the impatience," he said, in reference to the mounting public pressure the attorney general faces to finish the investigation and release his findings.
Also, McGrath upped the ante to Moscow Mitch’s Lincoln-Douglas style debate:
Amy McGrath, the Democrat trying to unseat Senator Mitch McConnell in Kentucky, challenged him on Thursday to three debates focused on health care and the economic crisis facing the nation amid the coronavirus pandemic.
“One debate must address the health care crisis in Kentucky that has been so dramatically exacerbated by Washington’s unwillingness to control this pandemic,” Ms. McGrath wrote in a letter to Mr. McConnell, the Senate majority leader. “And as more than 1 million Kentuckians have filed for unemployment during this crisis, one debate must also address pulling our country out of this economic catastrophe.”
Ms. McGrath also insisted “for the sake of our democracy” that a libertarian candidate in the race who could siphon votes away from Mr. McConnell, a Republican, be allowed to join them onstage.
Let’s keep up the momentum to get rid of Moscow Mitch. Click below to donate and get involved with McGrath and Biden’s campaigns:
Amy McGrath
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