In the final days of her life, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg summoned the strength to dictate a statement to her granddaughter: “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.” Now, the president she so explicitly said should not replace her is trying to cast doubt on the legitimacy of that statement.
“I don't know that she said that, or was that written out by Adam Schiff and Schumer and Pelosi. I would be more inclined to the second,” Trump said on one of his endless calls in to Fox & Friends. “Okay, you know, that came out of the wind and sounds so beautiful, but that sounds like a Schumer deal or maybe a Pelosi or Shifty Schiff. So that came out of the wind.”
That Ruth Bader Ginsburg did not like Donald Trump or his judicial choices came out of the wind? It’s rare that Trump’s audacity manages to shock, at this point, but that is a shocking statement.
Let’s be clear that Trump is saying that Ginsburg’s family is lying about her dying wish. That he’s saying that instead of honoring their grandmother and mother’s true wishes, they passed on a fake message from Democratic congressional leadership. That’s a vile accusation—and such an obviously false one. Of course Ginsburg, a woman who spent her life fighting for women’s rights, did not want Trump to choose her replacement!
In fact, Ginsburg exactly knew Trump’s plans, because he so crassly said, in 2018, that he was “saving” the antiabortion extremist Amy Coney Barrett to replace Ginsburg rather than nominating her to replace the retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy. Of course Ginsburg wanted to fight that outcome with everything she had.
Is Trump’s ego so fragile that he can’t accept that a woman who opposed everything he stood for died … still opposing everything he stood for? Does his twisted mind calculate that it’s a political advantage to call a grieving family liars over something that makes total sense to everyone who hears it? Whatever was going on in his head as he tried to pin the statement on Schiff and Schumer and Pelosi and insisted that it “came out of the wind,” this man is just not right.