This is meaningless. He claims he has a “plan,” but it’s a plan that’s already been rejected. The plan was for pharmaceutical companies to pay for these and send them out. Probably in exchange for … something we’ll never find out, because Big Pharma already said “No.”
Ergo, there ain’t nothing coming in the mail to anyone at this point. Where is all this money magically being diverted from, and under whose authority? Does anyone believe this administration has the competence or logistical savvy to send out millions of these cards so that they’d be received in less than six weeks?
Not. Gonna. Happen. It’s fairy dust, tossed for the media to chase, just like they chase every tweet this wretched thing emits.
But the third, most desperate con of all is the one that is driving the media wild with worry: the big “what will he do” con.
“Get rid of the ballots and you’ll have a very—we’ll have a very peaceful—there won’t be a transfer (of power) frankly, there’ll be a continuation."
Oh my God! He won’t accept the election results? He’ll try to throw out the mail-in ballots? Cherry-pick some right-wing, loony-tune federal judge to say they’re fraudulent?
How exactly is that going to work, in practice? Because—bear with me, people, and let me know if I’m totally off base here—but doesn’t every single ballot that has Trump’s name on it also have the name of every Republican and Democratic candidate for offices ranging from U.S. senator to county dog catcher?
In some cases you have up to 20 or 30 candidates on the ballot. And that’s true whether you mail your ballot in or slog it out at the voting booth. Literally thousands of elections are happening on November 3, not just Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden. Do we really expect every single Democrat on those mail-in ballots—candidates for county solicitors, city councils, school boards, district justices, sheriffs, the Senate, House, and state equivalents, clerks, prothonotaries, mayors, judges, attorneys general, governors, and lieutenant governors—to sit there quietly while Donald Trump’s distinctly unstellar lawyers tie up—and possibly ruin—their careers with what could be months of litigation over bogus allegations of fraud? For that matter, how many Republican candidates for office are going to be willing to stand for that? Now multiply that by a whole lot of states, and you’ll see a morass emerging on an incalculable scale. Are they planning to go district by district? You gotta be kidding me.
Because every single mail-in ballot that Trump’s lackeys say is fraudulently cast also must be deemed fraudulent for those other candidates—on the same ballot—as well.
No amount of Republican collusion gets us past that fact. If Trump tries this, he will run into opposition on a scale he can’t possibly cope with, and a whole lot of angry people on both sides, because mail-in balloting is hardly monolithic to one party, or one state, or even one district.
Most of these candidates have huge egos, and a whole lot of money, power, and influence. Their entire careers are going to be on the line. Does anyone expect them to sit on their hands while Don runs his last big con? I don’t think he’s thought this through. I really don’t.
Or am I the one being obtuse?