The story by Jeffrey Goldberg at the Atlantic — “Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’” — has the media and veterans around the nation up-in-arms, with outrage and disgust. trump’s despicable views on veterans and those who serve the country in the armed forces or any other way may not come as a surprise to many of us, but this story is likely to resonate, at least, for this media cycle. And it will provide plenty of ammunition to ad-producers, cable TV hosts and Biden to heap scorn on and excoriate trump in the coming weeks.
Of course, trump will deny it, he will trash the media and his own people, but the article is well sourced and there is plenty of evidence out there that exposes trump’s sociopathic disdain for soldiers who died, got injured or who were captured and tortured.
Here is a just a small sample of snippets from and reactions to this astounding story -
Veterans are angry -
The WH denies as usual but there is confirmation about the story from AP -
There are additional devastating statements being reported by the Washington Post -
In one account, the president told senior advisers that he didn’t understand why the U.S. government placed such value on finding soldiers missing in action because they had performed poorly and gotten caught and deserved what they got, according to a person familiar with the discussion.
Trump believed people who served in the Vietnam War must be “losers” because they hadn’t gotten out of it, according to a person familiar with the comments. Trump also complained bitterly to then-Chief of Staff John F. Kelly that he didn’t understand why Kelly and others in the military treated McCain, who had been imprisoned and tortured during the Vietnam War, with such reverence. “Isn’t he kind of a loser?” Trump asked, according to the person familiar with Trump’s comments.
You can feel the anger of those whose young grandfathers valiantly fought for our country and for our allies in Belleau Wood —
trump’s support in the military has been slipping and this story will certainly widen the gap.
In the latest results — based on 1,018 active-duty troops surveyed in late July and early August — nearly half of respondents (49.9 percent) had an unfavorable view of the president, compared to about 38 percent who had a favorable view. Questions in the poll had a margin of error of up to 2 percent.
Among all survey participants, 42 percent said they “strongly” disapprove of Trump’s time in office.
Among active-duty service members surveyed in the poll, 41 percent said they would vote for Biden, the Democratic nominee, if the election was held today. Only 37 percent said they plan to vote to re-elect Trump.
The Marines revere Belleau Wood -
The Battle of Belleau Wood
From… — The Battle of Belleau Wood (1–26 June 1918) occurred during the German Spring Offensive in World War I, near the Marne River in France. The battle was fought between the U.S. 2nd (under the command of Major General Omar Bundy) and 3rd Divisions along with French and British forces against an assortment of German units. The battle has become a key component of the lore of the United States Marine Corps.
United States forces suffered 9,777 casualties, included 1,811 killed. Many are buried in the nearby Aisne-Marne American Cemetery. There is no clear information on the number of German soldiers killed, although 1,600 were taken prisoner.
After the battle, the French renamed the wood "Bois de la Brigade de Marine" ("Wood of the Marine Brigade") in honor of the Marines' tenacity. The French government also later awarded the 5th and 6th Marine Regiments the Croix de guerre.
Legend and lore has it that the Germans used the term "Teufelshunde" ("devil dogs") for the Marines. Marines actively serving in the Fifth and Sixth Marine regiments are authorized to wear the French Fourragère on the left shoulder of their uniform to recognize the legacy and valor of their regimental predecessors
Further reading -
Let’s make trump the LOSER this November -
As expected, the Lincoln Project came out with this new scathing video today morning -
Let’s chip in and chip away -
Let’s spread this story far and wide. It will strike a chord with many military families and many who might still be hesitating about voting for Biden. This is unforgivable.