Yesterday’s insurrection at the nation’s capitol was pure chaos. It reportedly left four people dead; one woman was shot and killed by Capitol police when she attempted to breach a barricaded doorway during the tragic madness of it all. The law enforcement response was also a mixture of things. It seems clear that Washington, D.C. police were ill-prepared, or specifically told to wait for instructions that did not materialize until it was too late to control. The vigor with which they visit violence upon non-white domestic terrorists was absent, frustrating hundreds of millions Americans. The double standard was never more clear than during yesterday’s siege on our democracy.
At day’s end, a little more than a dozen arrests had been reported. And yet, as the image at the top of this story illustrates, there was nothing if not a ton of photographic evidence of MAGA-vandalism and crimes committed. Whether you want to call this terrorism or vandalism or civil disobedience, the fact remains that people must be arrested and charged and decisions of law and order made. There is video evidence of Trump supporters physically assaulting law enforcement. There are the silly-looking players in this idiots’ theater who are participating in a very dangerous set of actions, ones that led to death and injury and the delay of our democratic process. Local and national news sites, as well as citizens on the internet, have begun the process of identifying some of the most obvious law breakers.
The fact that they are under the delusion that they’re heroes and have the right to do what they want in their version of white supremacist America does not make their crimes not crimes. Not knowing that you are committing a crime isn’t a defense for most crimes. They might want to believe that they are above the law the way that rich narcissists like Donald Trump seem to be, but that doesn’t make it so. As such, the FBI has begun to solicit the public’s help in identifying some of Wednesday’s bad criminals.
Let’s begin with one of the dramatic ironies in all of this: Anti-maskers don’t wear masks.
The guy on the top left is right-wing prick “Baked Alaska,” real name Tim Gionet. He’s a right-wing shit for brains known for harassing women and spewing ignorance across the web. He’s one of the alt-right asshats who’s been sued for appropriating the Pepe the Frog cartoon to turn it into a white supremacist symbol of whiny hate. He’s been detained for harassing convenience store workers and banned from most social media platforms for hate speech. Here’s a clip that really shows you what kind of dickhead he is.
Richard Barnett
Richard Barnett of Gravette, Arkansas, is the guy that was photographed lounging in Nancy Pelosi’s chair at her desk. He then went outside to show some personal memorabilia he stole from the Speaker’s office. The Washington Post reports that Barnett’s Facebook page has a nice piece about being offended by Nancy Pelosi’s attack on the term “white nationalist.”
“I am white. There is no denying that. I am a nationalist. I put my nation first. So that makes me a white nationalist,” Barnett wrote on page he maintained under a pseudonym, before adding that people who were not nationalists should “get the f--- out of our nation.”
Barnett made sure to confirm that he is the man in the photos to the local Arkansas CBS new affiliate 5NEWS, saying that the Washington, D.C. police started it all—something that multiple videos of the minutes leading up to the breach of the Capitol building very clearly contradict. Barnett says he was removed by Capitol Police, but he left Pelosi a note saying: “Nancy, Bigo was here, you B****." “Bigo” is his nickname. Barnett knows he may face charges but his defense is airtight as he says he wasn’t the one who actually pushed the doors open, and that he was just walking around the building looking for a bathroom when he came upon the Speaker’s office.
Not the clown in the middle but the clown on the right.
Then there’s this guy. According to WBALTV11’s Trey Ward, this man’s decision to wear his employer’s sweatshirt and badge has led to a statement from the company saying that “after a review of the photographic evidence the employee in question has been terminated for cause.” The company says that while they support the right to demonstrate, they do not support “dangerous conduct that endangers the health and safety of others.”
There was also this man, identified as Paul Davis, a lawyer and associate general counsel and director of human resources at Goosehead Insurance in Texas. He sort of boasted about being tear gassed while trying to breach the Capitol building. He also promoted the debunked Dominion voting machine conspiracy.
About 12 hours later, this tweet was sent to the above account.
Then there are the GOP officials at the event who, though they may not be charged, should be acknowledged for their part in all of this.
A lot of the guys seen in photos can be found on a Philadelphia antifa website. No, they aren’t antifa-connected, they’re the assholes antifa exposes for being white supremacist-affiliated fascists. The jackass everyone has seen cosplaying like some super narcissistic modern Daniel Boone meets a football fan who didn’t get enough attention as a child has been identified as QAnon mascot-man Jake Angeli. I mean, he wears a specific outfit and has a ton of tattoos. You don’t have to be Columbo, Sam Spade, or Steve from Blues Clues to figure that out. QAnon conspiracy theorists are literally trying, as we speak, to say he’s a Black Lives Matter protester. Just to make it clear how much of a con job the QAnon conspiracy world is. Oh, and Florida man Matt Gaetz, too.
The Washington police have also put out a “persons of interest” list for unlawful entry charges here. It includes well-documented images like these:
I believe Mr. I’m-playing-combat-Spider-Man is actually also this guy once he hits the ground. It’s the shoes and the general dumbness of it all that tipped me off.
Here’s an UPDATE! The man in the above two images has been identified as Boise, Idaho resident Josiah Colt, who is saying he hopes for forgiveness as he “got caught up in the moment” when he stormed into the House Chamber and then jumped down onto the floor and sat in the chair. “In the moment I thought I was doing the right thing. I realize now that my actions were inappropriate and I beg forgiveness from America and my home state of Idaho.” Your actions were a felony offense, brohan. Just saying.
There is also Elijah Schaffer, a right-wing blogger on Glenn Beck’s BlazeTV, who posted incriminating evidence of himself in Nancy Pelosi’s office and then took it down when he realized that he posted himself breaking and entering into Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s office. But screenshots are a thing.
“Revolutionaries.” Sounds like not a protest?
Finally, there’s 36-year-old Adam Christian Johnson from Parrish, Florida. According to the Bradenton Herald, he is married to a doctor and the couple has five kids. According to the newspaper, Johnson has a “criminal history” that “includes possession of marijuana and violation of probation charges.” It will be interesting to see if this guy—
—gets treated the same as a Black teen with the same “criminal history.” Finally, if you can, read this thread for perspective.
Some updates posted below:
Greeson reportedly had a cardiac attack and died.
Here’s something that’s both sad and fun at the same time.
And here is a much more serious and frightening fact. Something for the crowd that wants to say it’s all silly outfits and bluster.
Here’s another special someone to add to the list of people admitting on camera to crimes.
It now looks like ziptie guy has been unmasked.