In a country where a teenager can illegally arm himself with an assault rifle, travel to another state and kill people is found not guilty of any crime whatsoever, why am I not in the least surprised.
Those killed could not be painted as innocent or just plain terrified but as hoodlums/rioters roaming the streets, the killer was the one who was just a frightened school kid armed with a lethal weapon.
The police, for one, just regarded an adolescent wandering around with a deadly weapon as somehow “normal”.
The only times when this is allowed to occur is when the upright gun bearer happens to be white.
I am desperately trying to think of another democracy where this would be allowed to occur, I don’t know of any. In this case, “only in America” seems to be correct. Perhaps I have been an expat too long as to find this normal.
All I can see is a country where demonstrators and counter demonstrators come armed [only if white] and any deaths that occur can be safely ignored. Those sporting different skin tones, of course, are excluded and considered fair game.
America has lost the plot entirely.
Now tell me that white privilege is a myth when it is allowed to openly kill on the streets.
Now tell me that there are not two systems of justice, one for white people and one for everyone else.