The kidney problem seems to be resolved with IV fluids. I got a couple of units of saline and I peed a bit, not much but some. they said I am very dehydrated, but at least it is not kidney failure.
According to my doctor, the situation with my knee is a hematoma which is due to my taking blood thiners. The fall onto concrete caused a bunch of broken blood vessels to have filled the tissue over my kneecap with blood. The only option is to let the blood slowly drain away and be reasorbed, which could take several weeks. In the meantime it is very swollen and very painful, I have been on opioids but they make me nausius and dizzy and I am trying to endure without them.
I will probably be discharged from the hospital and put into aq skilled nursing facility for my physical therapy and recovery. Since I live alone I can’t go back home as I can barely stand nor walk more than a few ifeet,
If it were up to me I would simply relax and rest but I have to worry about the critters.
The critters are being fed by a friend of mine. However there is extreme weather here and warnings not to go out unless it is an emergency, so I hope she can go back tomorrow.
The puppers were freaked out by her going inside, and the cats were in hiding except for Anubis in his cage.
i doubt I can work this week. No work means no pay, so if you can contribute to my latest funding drive, I would be thankful.