Kat Kerr, a religious nut and self-proclaimed ‘prophetess’ predicted in 2018 that Trump would win the 2020 election — then Pence would serve two terms — and finally, Pence’s VP would serve two more terms.
“The Father is saying this. For 24 years, we will have God in that White House.”
Her prediction hasn’t worked out so well. But she has an explanation — which involves a talking scroll. This relentlessly ignorant weather warrior told the congregation at One Accord Christian Fellowship Church in Orlando on Sunday:
“At this moment in time, in reality, in legality, Donald J. Trump is our president right now. He won. Heaven knows it and they’re celebrating his win. The enemy thought, ‘This is my time.’ Guess what? They want to take over the world. Hell wants to take over the world, and right now, they’re jumping ahead. It’s not gonna work.”
She was just getting warmed up because she then added this nonsense:
“This is what happened on Jan. 20, 2021. There was a scroll open in Heaven. The scroll’s name is called ‘Justice.’ Things began to be sent down to this Earth at an accelerated rate. [The Holy Spirit is] setting something in place. … Something that will become a move of God that will touch this whole Earth, and will make things very visible for Hell. The scroll is a piece of paper on a wooden dowel. It’s a living thing. When it’s opened, it speaks itself, it reads itself so it’s released on the Earth. So things have already been set in place. You can’t see it unless you’re a seer, and I keep telling people, ‘If you were a seer, you’d see demons running and screaming from D.C. as fast as they can get out of there.'”
This raises the question. if God wanted Trump to be re-elected President, why didn’t he just make it so? There are two possibilities. God wanted Biden to be President. Or God isn’t very powerful (‘a bit of an underachiever’, as Woody Allen called him) In which case, what grounds are there to think he could do something later, when he was unable to do it in the first place?
The third possibility is God isn’t interested in American politics. And who could blame Him? We can debate how much someone is responsible for the behavior of their fan club. But if these are God’s anointed he isn’t sending us His best. Just the legal team alone — Giuliani, Powell, Wood, the five that quit, the new two — is barrel scrappings. For heaven’s sake, there have to be God-fearing lawyers who are better than this dismal lot. But they apparently aren’t buying Kerr’s scroll named ‘Justice’.
And if the GOP is God’s party look at His congressional representatives. Abuse-enablers, sexists, drunken frat boys, Jewish space laser believers, gun nuts, xenophobes, liars, hypocrites, cheats, and thieves. If that is his A-team, what does the bench look like?
The last possibility is that God is a celestial figment of the terrestrial terrorist’s mind. That theory explains a lot. From ISIS suicide bombers, to Hasidic ultra-Zionists, to conservative evangelical dead-enders there is a swath of humanity cut from the same second-rate cloth for whom reason, science, common sense, humanity, empathy, and sanity are foreign qualities. And for whom the surety that God is on their side is unsupported by one shred of evidence He thinks as they do.
Or even that He exists.
Credit: Right Wing Watch
*Note: The academic schedule at Liberty University offers no course in Logic or Philosophy)
Note: I refer to God as a ‘He’ because they do. And I capitalize Him out of respect for tradition.