While I totally agree that a certain new Representative from Georgia should at least be stripped of her committees — and realistically should be expelled from the House, although we know that will not that happen — that does not go far enough.
Everyone in the House and the Senate should be forced NOW to go on the record on the following statement
RESOLVED — that Joseph Robinette Biden Jr and Kamala Harris were legitimately elected President and Vice President of the United States and all actions of this body will reflect that reality.
Perhaps you can find a better phrasing. I don’t mind.
i want this vote BEFORE the commencement of the impeachment trial in the Senate.
i want every Federal legislator on the record ackknowledging the legitimacy of the election and the current administration.
Will Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley be willing to vote against it, or will having voted for it we will then be able to declare the hypocrisy of their words and actions? About the other Senators like Tuberville who voted to challenge electoral votes?
How many of the more than half of the House Republican caucus that supported such challenges? Will they be willing to go on the record denying the validity of the election and the administration? What do you think Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Andy Biggs, Paul Gosar, Mo Brooks, and others will do?
Let them ALL be on the record one way or another.
And then let the media — and the American people — know and understand one way or another who these people are, rejectionists who cannot accept losing elections or hypocrites willing tou= undermine democracy for personal political advantage.