On this date in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, as well as 2020, “Crazy/Stupid Republican of the Day posted profiles of the current U.S. House Representative for South Carolina’s 3rd District, Jeff Duncan, who in that original spotlight, we discussed the fact that Rep. Duncan hung out with the very, very insane Rick Wiles to discuss his desire to investigate President Obama’s birth certificate, as well as the time he had Secretary of State John Kerry testifying at a Benghazi hearing and asked him why the United States embassy in Libya was smuggling arms to Syrian rebels (for which Kerry schooled him like a kindergarten teacher).
Duncan has also warned against a federal gun registry, warning that it would be used so that liberals could hunt down every last gun owner and hack them to death with a machete, just like how “the Hutus slaughtered the Tutsis in Rwanda”. Duncan has also compared illegal immigrants to “vagrants and animals”, and responded to the Paris Terror attacks with a Twitter post that read, “How’s that Syrian refugee resettlement look now? How about that mass migration into Europe? Terrorism is alive & well in the world. #No” which conveniently assumed that attackers were refugees from Syria (when in fact, they were from France and Belgium).
Duncan also gleefully participated in Chik-Fil-A Apprecation Day to support the fast food chain’s anti-gay support, denies climate change, and voted against Hurricane Sandy relief. Oh, and speaking of things we’ve covered in his voting record, Duncan has sponsored a bill to require women across the nation to be forced to undergo a medically unnecessary ultrasound prior to getting an abortion and was a big supporter of the 2013 Government Shutdown, so much so that when the time came to reopen the government, Duncan voted to keep it closed. Our last note would be that upon the death of Antonin Scalia, Duncan was one of 27 Congressmen who sent a letter to Mitch McConnell immediately demanding the nomination of ANY Supreme Court Justice for the next year be blocked. On the 2015 anniversary of the Sandy Hook shooting, Duncan got on social media to wonder if France would institute “knife control” because one teacher was injured in a stabbing the day prior.
And, in the twelve months since we last left Rep. Duncan, he has nearly thrown his back out carrying water for the Trump administration whenever possible, like in May of 2017 when he went on social media to demand apologies and retractions from CNN because they reported that Attorney General Jeff Sessions had conducted undisclosed meetings with the Russian Ambassador during the presidential transition period, claiming the story was false (it isn’t). By October of 2017, Duncan’s rage against Trump critics wasn’t limited only to the media, but also to members of his own party, when he said any Republican who spoke ill of Trump had “drank the water” and was “part of the swamp”. Then again, you have to consider that perhaps Jeff Duncan is a deranged idiot, especially when in December of 2017, he still was saying that the GOP’s U.S. Senate candidate in Alabama, Roy Moore, was “a man of high principle and steadfast character”, which is a rather flattering thing to say about a fanatical racist pedophile.
After being in office for almost a decade, Jeff Duncan has no signature legislation he’s worked on, and has simply used his tenure in office to be a partisan hack who flings whatever s*** he finds around like a deranged simian. Perhaps no moment underlines that more when after the GOP Senate refused to allow witnesses or any real impeachment trial for Donald Trump in February, he falsely claimed the result proved that Trump had been “vindicated”.
South Carolina’s 3rd District which has a +19 Republican lean in the Cook Partisan Voting Index. and in 2020, that led Duncan to a victory with 71% of the vote to get re-elected to a fifth term in office. And, looking to his voting record, if you were wondering, yes, he’s still awful:
- January 27th, 2019: Jeff Duncan voted against HJR 30, which was meant to express disapproval of Donald Trump not acting against Russian Federation for attacking our democracy. You see, he’s fine with our nation being sublet to Vladimir Putin.
- January 23rd, 2019: Rep. Duncan voted against HR 648, because he was gleefully enjoying the longest government shutdown in history.
- February 28th, 2019: Jeff Duncan votes against HR 1112, a bill which would have required universal background checks on all firearm purchases, and close the gun show loophole.
- March 7th, 2019: Duncan votes against HR 183, a resolution to condemn anti-Semitism as a hateful extension of intolerance.
- March 14th, 2019: Rep. Duncan votes against HJR 46, which sane members of Congress voted for to reject Donald Trump’s “national emergency” regarding the U.S. border and his attempts to reallocate funds for a border wall without Congressional approval.
- May 17th, 2019: Duncan votes against The Equality Act, which would have prevented discrimination towards Americans based on their gender identity or sexual orientation.
- June 4th, 2019: Rep. Duncan votes against the Dreamers Act, because he’s too xenophobic and partisan to care about immigration reform.
- July 16th, 2019: Jeff Duncan votes against a resolution to condemn Donald Trump for his racist statements that four people of color in Congress should “go back where they came from”.
- October 17th, 2019: Duncan is one of 60 Republicans who vote against HJ Res 77, which opposed Donald Trump’s disastrous decision to abandon Syrian Kurdish forces in Northeast Syria to the mercies of a Turkish invasion.
- October 23rd, 2019: Duncan is one of 41 Republicans who, while staring down the possibility of Donald Trump being impeached, stage a ridiculous publicity stunt in response by crashing a classified impeachment inquiry hearing for a “protest”.
- December 18th, 2019: Rep. Duncan ignores his Congressional duty to hold a president who has been proven to commit high crimes and misdemeanors accountable and votes against the first impeachment of Donald Trump.
- May 15th, 2020: Duncan votes against the HEROES Act, to further support the healthcare industry and citizens affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.
- October 2nd, 2020: Jeff Duncan is one of 17 Republicans who vote against a resolution to condemn the Qanon conspiracy theory after its followers started to make death threats against Democratic Congressman Tom Malinowski.
- December 10th, 2020: Duncan signs his name to an amicus brief to the Supreme Court, begging them to overturn the results of the 2020 election. The same election that he won re-election in.
- January 6th, 2021: Jeff Duncan votes for the objection to the electoral college’s votes in the 2020 election, a failure to send any sort of message that he wasn’t intimidated or sympathetic to those who attacked the Capitol to attempt a violent coup.
- January 13th, 2021: Rep. Duncan votes against the second impeachment of Donald Trump, because the Republican Party no longer feels like they should be accountable for anything, including failed coups that result in the deaths of both their participants and police officers.
- February 4th, 2021: Jeff Duncan votes to keep Marjorie Taylor Greene’s committee assignments, because he wouldn’t want her to be accountable for all the bigoted remarks and conspiracy theories she’s spread online (probably because she’s a kindred spirit).
- February 25th, 2021: Duncan votes against HR 5, the latest version of the Equality Act, that would provide workplace protections for LGBTQ Americans.
- March 3rd, 2021: Rep. Duncan votes against HR 1, a bill created to prevent the corruption of money in politics, and protect voter access to the ballot box.
- March 3rd, 2021: Jeff Duncan votes against the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021.
- March 10th, 2021: Duncan votes against the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, because he feels people deserve to die in poverty during a pandemic.
- March 17th, 2021: Rep. Duncan is one of 172 Republicans who choose to vote against the re-authorization of the Violence Against Women Act, likely because they feel the 2nd Amendment remaining absolute is more important than preventing people with a history of domestic abuse from owning a firearm (which statistics show, makes them more likely to use those firearms against women in their lives).
Our prediction about Jeff Duncan is that this miscreant will be stuck in the years from 2017-2020, as he has a photo of himself with Donald Trump as his Twitter banner, and he still is hung up on policy ideas like building a f***ing useless, extremely expensive, and mostly cosmetic wall along the U.S./Mexico border in Trump’s name, and spreading xenophobic lies about migrants crossing the border being deliberately released while positive for Covid-19. He has, at least, been reaaaal quiet about how proud he was to object to the certification of the electoral college votes after, y’know, the coup attempt he helped throw fuel onto the fire for.