By Hal Brown, MSW
I’ve pretty much stopped writing diaries about Trump’s dangerous psychopathology because I think the task I set out to do by sharing my knowledge of abnormal psychology as a retired psychotherapist applied to Trump with Daily Kos readers is mostly done. If you’re reading this you already know what malignant narcissism is and you know all about the Goldwater rule, for example. If you’ve read some of my diaries about what an acute psychotic episode looks like you know what to watch out for in Trump’s behavior.
Salon has about 12 million unique visitors a month not counting articles republished on RawStory (Daily Kos has almost two million) Reference. Depending on which list you look at it is considered one of the most read progressive websites. Salon editors select a story to be featured on their main page. Today’s top story and one posted last week prompted me to write this diary.
My point isn’t that these stories, and others like it, are still being featured as the website’s top of the page story.
Psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Lance Dodes was interviewed again for today’s Salon article by Chauncey DeVega about Trump's dangerous psychopathology. I agree with everything expressed here but I lament that Salon, which has put interviews and articles about Trump's psychopathology as their main online story, is only read by those who have already gotten the message.
How many Republican members of Congress read Salon?
These articles have educated and informed the progressive readers of Salon over the years to the point that you'd be hard pressed to find a Salon reader who doesn't know what the perviously rather obscure malignant narcissism personality type is. (John D Gartner only gets online credit from me as far as I can tell in what I post on Daily Kos for introducing the eminent social psychologist and psychoanalyst Erich Fromm’s formulation of the most dangerous psychopathology to the public in his May 4, 2017 USA Today.
Unless Trump becomes floridly psychotic (actively hallucinating hearing voices in his head and responding to them for example) for all to see with a few exceptions his cult will remain loyal. I fear that it will take this kind of acute psychotic episode to convince GOP members of Congress with the exception of the unhinged likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene to unhitch their wagons from Trump. That will be the time for mental health experts like Lance Dodes, John Gartner, and Bandy Lee (who briefed Democratic and one unnamed Republican members of Congress on Dec. 5 and 6, 2018) to give the Republican members of Congress a crash course in abnormal psychology as it applies to Donald Trump.
The Poll:
Help me decide whether to keep posting about Trump’s psychopathology even if there is no major change. If there is a noteworthy change of course I will write about it. These are the most recent diaries I’ve written related to Trump’s psychopathology:
Jun 8th 2021, 5:54:33 am PDT
Jun 4th 2021, 7:59:29 am PDT
Monday, Jun 14, 2021 · 2:50:34 PM +00:00 · HalBrown
Your comments so far have been very helpful and I appreciate the complements. How about weighing in with ideas about how the message coming from a contingent of mental health professionals about Trump’s dangerous psychopathology to members of the GOP not only in the US Congress but in state legislatures. Publishing in the liberal doesn’t reach them, nor does appearing on Lawrence O’Donnell as Lance Dodes did on June 2nd and, John Gartner, and Bandy Lee have in the past.