A friend of mine checks Fox News regularly (it’s a dirty job I won’t do) in order to see what lies the likes of Tucker Carlson (see “Tucker Carlson And The Far Right Want To Recast Jan. 6 As A False Flag By The Deep State”) and Sean Hannity are promulgating to their millions of viewers. She told me that Hannity’s latest lie is that President Biden is a doddering old man incapable of drinking from a normal glass and is calling him “president Sippy cup”.
This was reported on here: Hannity Wants Fox Reporter to Give His ‘Sippy Cup’ to Biden.
Sean Hannity is out here trying to make “fetch” happen.
The pro-Trump Fox News host has taken it upon himself in recent days to bestow a new nickname on President Joe Biden. Since before the 2020 election, Hannity has been labeling Biden “Sleepy Joe” while relentlessly attempting to portray him as suffering from cognitive decline and struggling physically and mentally. Apparently, however, Hannity felt a change was needed.
Goodbye, Sleepy Joe. Hello, Sippy Cup.
Hannity’s tweet generated this response from “Debbie” showing a video of Trump’s two handed drinking (scroll down and click for video):
Last night my friend told me about Hannity and his sippy cup, This morning I read this story “Ronny Jackson said Trump aced a cognitive test. Now he’s demanding Biden take one, citing ‘mental impairment.’’ in today’s Washington Post.
Excerpts: In 2018, White House physician Ronny Jackson stood before a room of reporters and praised then-President Donald Trump’s cognitive state as “very sharp” and “very intact.” The president, Jackson boasted, had aced a cognitive assessment meant to disprove claims that his mental health was deteriorating.
Now Jackson is demanding that President Biden take the same test and make the results public.
Jackson, who won a Texas congressional race last year as a Republican, and 13 other GOP lawmakers on Thursday signed a letter claiming that Biden has shown signs of a poor mental state and should take the test to prove otherwise.
“The American people deserve to have absolute confidence in their President,” said Jackson, who was found to have made inappropriate sexual remarks and bullied staff as White House physician, in a news release. “… I would argue that the American people don’t have that confidence in President Biden.”
Stuart Jay Olshansky, a professor of public health at the University of Illinois at Chicago who analyzes the longevity of presidents, told The Washington Post that Biden’s health and family history suggest a life expectancy of about 97.
Here’s a Ronny Jackson story from RawStory you can read without a subscription.
Apparently calling President Biden a socialist never worked as intended. For example from “Why Trump’s Efforts to Paint Biden as a Socialist Are Not Working” in the Oct. 14, 2020 NY Times:
WASHINGTON — President Trump delivered a familiar warning at his rally on Tuesday night, telling supporters that his opponent, Joseph R. Biden Jr., and his allies would turn America into a socialist state if given the chance.
“Biden has made a corrupt bargain in exchange for his party’s nomination,” Mr. Trump said. “He has handed control to the socialists and Marxists and left-wing extremists like his vice-presidential candidate.”
The lines were a riff on one of Mr. Trump’s favorite attacks on Mr. Biden — and an illustration of its limits. Despite repeated efforts on Twitter, on a debate stage and in speeches, Mr. Trump has failed to convince voters that Mr. Biden is a socialist.
In the closing days of his campaign, he has shifted to telling voters that Mr. Biden is instead a pawn of socialists and that his running mate, Senator Kamala Harris of California, is “a communist.” In an address to several civic economic clubs from the Rose Garden on Wednesday, Mr. Trump called the election “a choice between a socialist nightmare and the American dream.”
Giving air time to promoting outlandish conspiracy theories pushed the limits of plausibility but Hannity, whether it was his “brilliant” idea or not, thought this alone wasn’t working well enough for Fox News. Furthermore, the notion that the president is “sleepy Joe” couldn't be supported by selective editing of videos. What was left for them but to edit videos of Biden to make it appear he is always struggling to put his thoughts into words, something my Fox monitoring friend says they do persistently, to make it appear he’s suffering from the ravages of old age. Unfortunately this is made easy for them to do because of Biden’s stutter. (See: Is Biden’s Stutter Being Mistaken for “Cognitive Decline”? — Biden’s verbal stumbles may be explained not by cognitive problems but by his lifelong battle with stuttering. Journalists should provide that context.)
It is ironic that with breaking news reports that suggested Trump admitted Biden was president on Fox News (‘We didn’t win.’ Trump appears to admit Biden won election in Fox News interview) Sean Hannity has conveyed the same thing by calling Biden President Sippy Cup.
See addendum in my comment below.