Let’s review some facts about sleep:
But first, here is a gentle reminder of how we do things:
Pooties are cats; Woozles are dogs. Goggies are dogs, too. Birds...are birds! Peeps are people. PWB Peeps are Pooties, Woozle, Birds People. Neat, huh.
Do not “Troll” the Pootie Peeps Diaries.
Whatever happens in the outer blog STAYS in the outer blog. This is a place to relax and play; please treat it accordingly.
If you hate animal diaries, leave now. No harm, no foul; these aren’t to everyone’s taste.
You are welcome to share photos of your own animals, or ones you just like.
If you would like a pic from the comment threads, please ask the poster. He/she may have a copyright to those pics. Many thanks!
If you have health/behavior issues with your pootie or woozle, feel free to bring it to the community. We just may have someone whose experience can help.
There are some pics we never post: snakes, creepy crawlies, any and all photos that depict or encourage human cruelty toward animals. These are considered “out of bounds” and will not be tolerated.
If you’re not sure about an issue...please ask. Someone is always glad to help.
Sleep is divided into sections — REM and non REM. Dreams happen in REM sleep, they think.
Everybody dreams; not everybody remembers their dreams.
It’s a good thing to stop using devices and watching TV for ½ hour before sleep (at least).
Relax with a book or puzzle instead
It’s not good to eat a heavy meal right before sleep.
Having the right temperature in the room is helpful.
It helps to have a darkened room:
Some of us can sleep anywhere:
But some of us just have insomnia… the rules don’t apply!
NOTE: Another 2019 rerun, but hopefully the refresher course is okay. 😄