Good bye old site header nav, hello new site header nav
Over time, our header navigation has drifted apart a bit. We designed a new header for the front page, but only placed it there. As of today, all of the newer sections of the site should have the new navigation, which includes the ‘hamburger’ menu on the left that makes it easy to access major list views of content, as well as keeping your comment replies link always accessible.
Some of you may miss the old menus for News, Community, and Action, but we found these were not used by many people and we don’t think they highlight the current content on the site as well as the deeper list views.
Advantages of the new header:
- Allows always-present access for the site list views, making it easy to find a new story to read
- Provides an always-present indication and link for your unread comment replies
- More gracefully handles various accessibility needs for screen readers and keyboard navigation
- Dropdowns that are a bit better behaved in all situations
- Removes an obstacle to displaying story pages at mobile widths (there are others still to be removed; that work is happening this summer)
- Makes it easier for us to make changes in the future as needed
I like my beaches cold and empty
As a programming note, I expect to be out of the office when this publishes, but please leave your comments, questions, and feedback anyway. My able colleagues will be monitoring it and replying in my absence, and I will read all the comments upon my return.