The drawing above, without Trump, is from the SUNY Upstate Medical Center article about hernias.
When I saw this HuffPost top of the page story, clickbait that it might be, I thought that Trump may turn out to be like a strangulated hernia for the GOP:
The article itself is titled “Trump Wins CPAC Straw Poll As Conservatives Urge Him To Run Again In 2024” and the word stranglehold doesn’t appear in the text.
“A strangulated hernia is a life-threatening medical condition. Fatty tissue or a section of the small intestines pushes through a weakened area of the abdominal muscle. The surrounding muscle then clamps down around the tissue, cutting off the blood supply to the small intestine. This strangulation of the small intestine can lead to intestinal perforation, shock, or gangrene (death) of the protruding tissue, which can lead to death.” Reference.
CPAC in the era of Trump is nothing more than a lie festival which sunk even lower than I thought possible in February after someone displayed a golden Trump statue. I thought it had to be a prank. It wasn’t. I wasn’t the only one who wondered about this. Here’s the poll from my diary:
Needless to say, “CPAC, all-in for Trump, is not what it used to be” (read article in The Hill).
True conservatives like George Will couldn’t get an invite to talk there if they got a giant Trump tattoo (see article with examples). Here’s some of what Will wrote in “Trump must be removed. So must his congressional enablers” in The Washington Post on June 1st last year
This unraveling presidency began with the Crybaby-in-Chief banging his spoon on his highchair tray to protest a photograph — a photograph — showing that his inauguration crowd the day before had been smaller than the one four years previous. Since then, this weak person’s idea of a strong person, this chest-pounding advertisement of his own gnawing insecurities, this low-rent Lear raging on his Twitter-heath has proven that the phrase malignant buffoon is not an oxymoron.
The current CPAC doesn’t represent anywhere near the majority of Americans. In a recent poll only 25% of Americans surveyed said they believed Trump was the true president. In another poll 85% of Republicans said they want candidates to agree with Trump. While all these numbers are disturbing, another poll showed that the number of Americans identifying as Republican is the lowest it has been in a decade.
If the polls are correct the only way Trump could win a second term assuming that these numbers continue to favor the Democrats is by cheating. Trump can’t expand his base. He has to keep feeding it more and more of his lies. Will his cult indefinitely continue to eat them up or will gangrene set in?
If it does there’s a chance he’ll either decide not to run again or lose in the GOP primary to someone like Gov. DeSantis. What do you think? Take the poll.