The best antidote to hot takes is hard data, and the latest Daily Kos/Civiqs poll is here with your cure. This survey of 1,339 registered voters was conducted online from July 24-27 and finds that 50% of Americans hold Donald Trump and Republicans responsible for the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021. Further, 51% of Americans believe everyone who broke into the Capitol that day should be arrested; an additional 24% believe anyone who caused personal injury or property damage should be arrested.
Other noteworthy findings in this month’s poll include:
- 39% of Americans believe Donald Trump's claim that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him; 80% of Republicans believe this lie, and 81% of frequent Fox News viewers believe it.
- 96% of Americans believe history classes in schools should teach about slavery in the United States; 55% believe it should be taught as a major topic.
- 75% of Americans believe history classes should teach about racism in the United States; 44% believe it should be taught as a major topic.
- 68% of Americans believe it is very important for children to receive vaccinations for diseases other than COVID-19.
- Less than half of Republicans (47%) believe it is very important for children to receive vaccinations for diseases other than COVID-19.
Additional issues surveyed include concern about the COVID-19 delta variant, attitudes towards critical race theory, and viewership of Fox News, Newsmax, One American News Network, and MSNBC.
This poll’s findings demonstrate that Americans still want justice for the Trump-provoked attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
This month’s survey also provides strong evidence that frequent Fox News viewers are deeply disconnected from mainstream Americans. Despite the fact that half of Americans believe that Donald Trump and Republicans are responsible for the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, just 7% of frequent Fox viewers believe them to be culpable. Just 13% of frequent Fox News watchers think that everyone who broke into the Capitol that day should be arrested, versus 51% of Americans overall.
Civiqs is an award-winning survey research firm that conducts scientific public opinion polls on the Internet through its nationally representative online survey panel. Founded in 2013, Civiqs specializes in political and public policy polling. Results from Civiqs’ daily tracking polls can be found online at