Short wars. Long wars. Forever wars.
What the hell? Forever wars? When did that start? Oh, yeah. I remember. So does Seth Meyers.
“There was never a good time to withdraw,” Meyers added, “which is why no president before Biden was willing to do it, kind of like how there’s never a good time at a pool party to tell someone you can see their ass crack. No one wants to be the guy who interrupts pool volleyball to say, ‘Hey, Dave, pull up your swimsuit.’
“And that’s how forever wars happen,” he said. “The people in charge just keep asking for a little more time to turn things around and then, next thing you know, it’s been 20 years and you’ve been in Afghanistan longer than it takes for George RR Martin to come up with a new Game of Thrones book.”
As fictional doctor Hawkeye Pierce said on M.A.S.H. decades ago:
War is Hell and Hell is Hell and of the Two, War is Worse.
I have long known it takes more courage to be a peacemaker than to be a war monger. Thank you, President Biden, for your courage.