This is the very, very, bad news:
The good news, such as it is, has to do with the availability of not only KN95 masks from China (and a version from S. Korea), but made in the USA N95 NIOSH certified masks. The later masks are now being manufactured in such quantities that they are available to those not working in medical facilities.
N95’s are available on Amazon. Look for the NIOSH certification and do not buy masks with valves because as explained here they only filter in one direction.
N95’s are more expensive but you can extend their life by buying ultra-violet bag mask cleaners (on Amazon for example).
If the Mu or other vaccine resistant Covid spreads, or worst case, a Covid variant rendering vaccines totally ineffective hits us, all we can do is assure that we protect ourselves as well as possible. We will have to go back to square one as far as limiting exposure to anyone not in our immediate circle. Those of us who, like me, had all of their groceries delivered and welcomed shopping in a grocery store again will have to go back to ordering online.
I think that those of us who have been wearing surgical masks or cloth masks will have to selectively up our protection depending on where we go to a mask that is more protective. I’d probably wear a light surgical mask which you can buy online or in drug stores when walking outside where it is easy to keep social distance but would certainly wear an N95 when I had to be inside with other people.