The destructive flooding of Hurricane Ida as it hit the mainland U.S. has stretched from the Mississippi all the way up the Northeast of our country. The realities of our country’s archaic infrastructure has even led to some GOP officials voicing their support for President Biden’s infrastructure bill that they have so far tried to neuter and delay for political gain. The costs of both in human misery and economic instability of doing nothing about climate change are far higher than the money we should be spending to upgrade our country’s vast infrastructure needs.
Bad policy and unproductive political theater will not offer you immunity for defying science and forces like weather. Bad policy decisions concerning climate change and infrastructure hurt everyone. The Daily Beast reports that dirtbag conservative operator James O’Keefe and his Project Veritas crew lost their Mamaroneck, New York, home base to Ida’s floods. Peas and carrots or thoughts and prayers, whichever one means less.
O’Keefe is probably best known for breaking the law and getting awards from Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ terrible wife inside of a swampy Trump Hotel lobby for his work hiring women to create false sexual assault allegations in the hopes of discrediting real sexual assault allegations. Read that last part over to yourself again and then think about the kind of terrible hole in one’s soul you have to have to be involved in that.
In a video posted to the right-wing disinformation group’s YouTube channel, O’Keefe un-ironically says that Project Veritas’ next “story” might be delayed as he works on rebuilding the organizations’ infrastructure. In the video, O’Keefe calls himself and his “organization” the “most resilient organization anywhere,” and then blathers on with a trite reference to the phoenix rising from the ashes. He finishes by misquoting a poem by Rudyard Kipling in sort of a perfect encapsulation of the conservative movement in our country: conjuring up an old famous imperialist, racist, and antisemite and then lacking the intelligence and thoroughness to even properly repeat the poetry of their least offensive ideas.
Guess he’ll be asking for some more of that socialist taxpayer money he and his buddies rail so hard against but love to have in the bank for a rainy day.