A friend of mine (thanks, Luca!) pointed out that there are three Native American tribes with reservations in Texas, near Houston, El Paso, and Laredo. In the 2020 case of McGirt v Oklahoma, the Supreme Court ruled that crimes committed on reservation land by tribally-registered individuals cannot be prosecuted by the state, but only by the federal government and the tribal courts. The federal government has not criminalized therapeutic abortions. The tribes can make their own determination on the topic.
So, it seems to me the implication is that so long as the tribes don’t use Indian Health Service money (thanks, Hyde Amendment), the tribes could open up their own clinics. If the clinics were staffed correctly, it seems like they would be completely legal and that there would be nothing the state could do about it.
I am not a lawyer, but it seems like maybe a lawyer in Texas might want to take a look at the possibility.