Saw the most amazing 30-second commercial on MSNBC yesterday. At risk of violating fair use and providing oxygen for a commercial venture, I want to quote some of the dialogue from the ad.
[Full disclosure: I have no financial or other business interest in KAYAK or any of its competitors.]
Scene: Family seated around outdoor patio table.
Dad (bringing food): Here we go.
Daughter (whispers to Todd): Remember, Mom is a KAYAK denier, so please don’t bring it up.
Todd: Bring what up? KAYAK?
Mom (overhearing): Excuse me? . . .
[Awkward silence]
Mom (agitated): Do the research, Todd!
Todd: [starts to explain the KAYAK business model] . . .
Mom: They’re lying to you!
Todd: Who’s they? KAYAK?
Mom (angry, stands up): Ahh! . . . Open your eyes.
Mom storms off. Narration continues and concludes.
So let’s process what just happened here. OK, the family’s at dinner and Mom’s a KAYAK denier. Wait, a what? If Mom’s denying an actual existing entity, then Mom’s grasp on reality must be a little loose, no?
So what’s the family’s reaction? Do they try to reason with her? No, only the newcomer, Todd, is brave enough to confront her. Does his rational explanation have any effect? Nope, Mom storms off, as convinced and deluded as ever in her cray-cray bubble world.
“KAYAK denier” “Do the research” They’re lying to you” “Open your eyes” — Where have we heard all that before? Oh, yeah, Christmas at Grandma’s.
Will this commercial bring more business to KAYAK? Or will it piss off the deniers and make their product political? And toxic? After all, one of the principals in the ad accuses the sponsor of lying to America. Will the ad’s target audience identify with rational Todd or with reality-denying Mom? [Reminder: this ad aired on MSNBC.]
Would this ad be effective on Fox? Would the average Fox viewer even get it?
Still LMAO. Kudos to risk-taking.
Here’s a link to the ad.