Well, according to The Tankies, Ukraine might as well give up now and save a lot of bloodshed.
Out of interest in how and why phenomena like this develop, I have taken to reading this Tankie on a regular basis. So far, WOW!!
Nothing could be more different than reading Kos et al. here on DailyKos. Every loss (for Russia) is actually a win for Russia. Everything that demonstrates Russian incompetence is the result of NATO intervention on behalf of its unwitting supplier of cannon fodder (Ukraine). Every meter gained by Ukraine is actually one meter deeper into the trap the clever Master of the Universe (Putin) has set for them.
The degree of delusion is astounding.
It is going to be truly fascinating to observe how the deluded masses and the #EmpirePropagandists who have deceived them will attempt to rationalize the intense cognitive dissonance of the inevitable and overwhelming Russian victory in this war.
We are the result of propaganda. We are the deluded masses.
It’s “indisputable.”
Schryver is not alone. Someone he regularly reTweets is Big Serge. Here is what BS has to say about the latest offensive.
Having watched them for a while, I have formed some generalities:
- They never cite references for anything (other than each other). There are no news sources at all, just statements of what they hope the facts to be.
- When I look for myself, I find their pontifications are usually word-for-word repeats of what the Russian media or military have put out.
- They really, REALLY want Russia to win. They WANT to see NATO destroyed. Russia is completely justified in its invasion of Ukraine. The Fascists deserve everything that has come to them. Oh, and Russia is behaving very responsibly in a civilized way.
- Putin is not in any trouble at home. He is calm, cool, and very certain of eventual victory.
Basically, everything is the opposite of what we learn here.
So, who is being propagandized: Us or them?
Let’s see in the near term what happens. According to Big Serge the current assault on Kerson is failing. I predict that a Ukrainian success will result because NATO forces intervened covertly and swung the tide against Russia.