Campaign Action
Greene continued speaking, claiming “abortion is murder” before diverting back to her initial question about the caller’s age.
Based only on the caller’s voice, Greene assumed she was “old” and would not be having children anytime soon, but also implied that, because of assumptions about her age and ability to have children, this voter’s opinion did not matter.
“I don’t think you’re having children anytime soon,” Greene said. “So I appreciate your interest in women’s rights, but killing an unborn baby is not a woman’s right, and that’s not health care.”
When the caller then referenced the case of the 10-year-old girl who was raped in Ohio and had to go out of state to get an abortion, Greene argued, “That is a very rare, rare, rare occasion, so that should not be the entire premise of the argument on abortion.”
She then repeated her speculation that the caller would not be having children soon.
“Again, ma’am, I know you say it’s your body, your choice, but I don’t think you’re having any children any time soon, and I think we need to focus on the future of America, and that’s our children… and the unborn, they’re our future also,” Greene said. “So let’s focus on protecting their lives instead of being focused on the lie that abortion is women’s health care because that’s not health care.”
As we know, this isn’t the first time Greene has made such ridiculous comments. She previously came under fire for saying the overturn of Roe v. Wade was a “blessing” and a “miracle.” She’s also on the record telling women that if they don’t want to get pregnant, they should “make better choices” and “choose to not have sex”.
Interestingly enough, Greene has never mentioned that men should also not have an opinion on abortion access. Instead, she has supported several male politicians who have restricted abortion rights.
After the clip of her show appearance went viral, one social media user noted that “MTG won’t be having any more children either, so shouldn’t her opinion be just as invalidated?”
After assuming the caller’s age and assuming that she could not have children, Greene abruptly left the show, claiming she had to go. The reason for her departure was not broadcast.