On Tuesday, Russian dictator Vladimir Putin went before the upper house of the Russian parliament to both ratify his decision to invade Ukraine, and to share the blame for what happens next. In the process of asking for “permission” to use military forces in Ukraine, Putin pointedly did not limit the area of the invasion to areas that were recognized in the past 24 hours as a pair of fabricated “republics” within the areas where Russian proxy forces have been battling Ukrainian troops for years. Instead, Putin is laying claims to the whole of the Donetsk and Lahansky regions—an area much greater than the Russian-allied forces controlled.
By expanding the area of operations beyond the borders of the area already occupied by Russia-supported forces, Putin is creating not just a pretext, but a formula, for directly engaging Ukrainian government forces. It also expands the area claimed by Russia to include a number of large cities and towns with a population in the millions, triggering what’s sure to be a humanitarian crisis no matter what comes next.
Meanwhile, in the United States, Republicans faced with choosing sides between supporting the U.S., NATO, allies, and armed forces, are making the decision to side with Putin, invasion, and Russian soldiers.
The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe has long had a series of monitoring posts and mobile teams set up across eastern Ukraine, watching troop movements and monitoring the conflict that has been underway for two decades. As of Monday, the red line on the map below represented the front lines in the conflict between the forces of the Ukrainian government and Russian-controlled forces. As of Tuesday, the dark gray area represents the territory already claimed by Putin.
Meanwhile, in the United States, Republicans are doing what many expected, even it is still sickening: They’re falling in line behind Putin.
Some, like former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, have hurried off to Fox News to explain how the unfolding war in Ukraine is President Biden’s fault for being weak. Others, like reliable Russian tool Sen. Ron Johnson, are standing in front of every available microphone to explain how this is simply Biden’s fault, period. And some—like Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis—are going to a very special place.
DeSantis’ press secretary had some words that definitely should lift spirits … in Russia, as she undercut both the U.S. and allies. The U.S., says DeSantis’ mouthpiece, "is in no position to 'promote democracy' while our own country is falling apart” and the U.S. government cannot be trusted "in any way."
Let the word go out to every NATO soldier waiting anxiously for the next move; every allied nation looking to the U.S. for guidance; and every man, woman, and child facing an advancing wall of tanks and guns: Republicans say fuck you, America is no good.
As Fox News and the Republican Party are coming together around the message that Putin is only invading because Biden “gave him the ‘green light,’” even The New York Times recognizes the enormous effort Biden has put into trying to piece together an alliance desperately wounded by the actions of Donald Trump. As The Washington Post declares, “With Biden standing firm, Putin must wonder: Where’s Trump when I need him?”
Trump may not be there to hold Putin’s hand as he crosses into Ukraine, but every single Republican and conservative commentator who is choosing this moment to throw the blame on President Biden and further divide the nation is absolutely the payoff that Putin received for his investment in Trump.
Biden’s press conference has now been moved to 1PM ET. Daily Kos will provide live coverage.