Happy Monday!
It’s surely Something Monday, given that tomorrow is Shrove Tuesday, followed by Ash Wednesday. So I went to look it up, and learned that it’s… just Shrove Monday. Not a terribly exciting discovery, but it does tend to emphasize the importance of being shriven. More colorful regional names for it include Collop Monday, Rose Monday, Merry Monday, Hall Monday, Peasen Monday, Nickanan Night, or Lundi Gras. In certain German-speaking regions, it’s Güdismontag.
Greg Dworkin will join us, though it’s unlikely he knows anything more about local names or traditions surrounding Shrovetide than we do (now). But as it turns out, there’s more in the news than the pre-Lenten feasts, and that’s where he comes in.
Anyway, come on in, and start using up all your lard and sugar. Sounds like fun! Bad luck for you Cornish weirdos, though. Apparently your tradition is pea soup.
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