I am anti-war and have demonstrated against all wars in my lifetime, I am normally a pacifist as I believe violence resolves nothing.
I support the rights of people to defend themselves from aggressors by all means.
I will leave it to our government to provide means of defending themselves to the Ukrainians.
I will continue to demonstrate against Putin and his hyper-rich cronies and support further sanctions, both economic and cultural.
We will donate everything we can to humanitarian aid. [Red cross. MSF etc]
We will offer shelter to any in need.
We are writing to the Chinese, Indian and UAE embassies to express our views of their tacit support.
We are not calling for a universal boycott, but will not buy anything from these countries. [We have a long list already.]. We prefer personal choice in this.
Yes, it will all hit us economically, it comes down to principles wars of aggression hurt everyone.
Note, by “we” I mean both my partner and myself.