While Republican senators tried to be as odious as possible for the benefit of steadfastly gullible American media outlets that eat it up with a spoon and the Republican Party itself proved itself unable to stop being racist for even one damn day, it was left to Indiana Republican Sen. Mike Braun to spell out the desired results of Republican Supreme Court ambitions. It's not just abortion and birth control rights they want to see rolled back to the states.
The Republican philosophy, says Braun, means that states should regain the ability to make interracial marriage illegal.
Some jackass Braun spokescreature may attempt to half-assedly walk this one back, perhaps with claims that, while Braun personally doesn't have a problem with interracial marriage, heavens no, he's merely pointing out that states ought to be able to ban it if the Republicans of that state want to. And why should states have that supposed "right”? Because every Republican is an odious slimeball no longer willing to even abide the thought of the public being able to elect people who are Not Them, so of course, there's no other basic human right gained in the last century of American existence that they're not eager to also erase.
Republicanism is a white nationalist and fascist movement that does not recognize civil rights. Any of them. And they're coming for every last one of them.
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