I don’t give two hoots about what happens to Ginni Thomas. Okay, maybe one and a half hoots…
What is important to me is whether what happens to her prompts her husband to resign. I wonder whether the justice who the author of Injustices: The Supreme Court’s History of Comforting the Comforted and Afflicting the Afflicted lists as one of the five worst Supreme Court justices of all time is in his hospital bed and possibly considering his mortality.
Perhaps having dodged the Covid bullet or another life threatening illness he could be wondering if he wants to return to the SCOTUS Bench and off the bat have to deal with the slings and arrows being unleashed regarding his wife’s behavior in trying to help overturn the election of President Biden and her QAnon beliefs.
It’s one thing for a judge who is suppose to be above reproach to have a wife who is engaged in well publicized partisan politics to shrug this off by, well, Thomas being Thomas, just never addressing the issue. He’s used to this. As much as this reeks of the stench of unethically rotten bottom feeders, it is an entirely other kettle of stinking fish to have one’s spouse being credibly described as a delusional lunatic bent on using any means she thinks is possible to overturn a presidential election.
Add the chance to be reminded by a hospital stay that he’s not going to live forever to the other matters I think any “normal” person would wonder about the best way to live out his life. It seems like spending one’s twilight years living in his lovely home in Fairfax Station, Virginia would look pretty good. With a net worth published to be $13 million he’s not super rich but he obviously has plenty of money to live out his life very comfortably.
Some of you probably watched the long interview on Morning Joe today with Bob Woodward, who coauthored The Washington Post front page story with Robert Costa, about the Ginni Thomas texts. I doubt Clarence has his hospital room TV tuned to MSNBC but if he did he wouldn’t be pleased with their coverage of this story.
Here’s a five minute segment of the half hour panel discussion about Ginni Thomas on Morning Joe:
If the Worst Justice reads the paper edition of The Washington Post here’s what he’d see on the front page:
This is what he’d see on their website (without the DonkeyHotey caricature):
The Post article begins:
Virginia Thomas, a conservative activist married to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, repeatedly pressed White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows to pursue unrelenting efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election in a series of urgent text exchanges in the critical weeks after the vote, according to copies of the messages obtained by The Washington Post and CBS News.
The messages — 29 in all — reveal an extraordinary pipeline between Virginia Thomas, who goes by Ginni, and President Donald Trump’s top aide during a period when Trump and his allies were vowing to go to the Supreme Court in an effort to negate the election results.
On Nov. 10, after news organizations had projected Joe Biden the winner based on state vote totals, Thomas wrote to Meadows: “Help This Great President stand firm, Mark!!!...You are the leader, with him, who is standing for America’s constitutional governance at the precipice. The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History.”
I don’t ever watch Fox News on TV but from time to time look at their website to see how they are covering various stories.
You don’t have to click on Fox News to see their website to see what it has online this morning. Here are the top stories as of this morning:
Clicking here will enlarge above but will not go to their website.
Click to enlarge (the screen grabs are on my blog not from Fox)
I got to wondering whether Clarence Thomas is keeping up on, depending open one’s point of view, the controversy, fake news, or scandal, about his wife. If he is reading or watching any mainstream media he has to know what is going on. He’d know that there are allegations that she influenced his vote in at least one case. Other than this allegation Justice Thomas is not being accused of anything. This of course would mean he acted unethically and against the unenforceable SCOTUS guidelines for recusal.
If he is only reading the Fox News website he would be oblivious to this but giving him the benefit of the doubt I assume he is well aware of what has ended his wife up as front page news.
Because the timing of this scandal/controversy coincidences with Justice Thomas being hospitalized for, supposedly, the flu he has an opportunity to use his health as a reason to resign.
UPDATE: This is from Speculation Grows Over Justice Clarence Thomas’ Health in The Washington Informer, a black, woman-owned multimedia news organization serving the African-Americans in the DC area:
Sources on Capitol Hill have told the Black Press that a growing number of Republicans fear that Thomas is “a lot worse off” than what many have been led to believe.
The Poll at 120 votes:
There’s no surprise here. I know that Kossacks consider themselves to be political realists. I hope that in non-political matters all of you are more balanced in how you look at the future and aren’t chronic pessimists. I can see how being pessimistic about political justice reining supreme (yes, I am aware of the pun) when it comes to far right fascists getting their just deserts is emotionally protective. Lots of people don’t want to get their hopes up when past experience shows that the likes of Donald Trump and Clarence “Pubic Hair” Thomas have proved to be Teflon when it comes to getting away with their unethical and immoral behavior. The results of the poll show that the large majority of the 120 people who answered it so far think Clarence Thomas will emerge unscathed from the scandal involving his wife.