Amy Wax, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School, took her entitled self to the stage of Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Today show Monday and laid her full-Karen a** out for the world to see.
Wax, 69, has a history of sharing her bigoted opinions about Black and brown folks. But her latest screed targeted the alleged "resentment, shame, and envy" harbored by “Black and other “non-Western” people for Westerners’ "outsized achievements and contributions."
When Wax was done criticizing Black Americans, she moved on to Asian and South Asian Indians, focusing particularly on doctors at Penn and Brahmin women from India.
They “are on the ramparts for the antiracism initiative for ‘dump on America,’” she said, complaining that Brahmins “are taught that they are better than everybody else because they are Brahmin elites and yet, on some level, their country is a s—hole. ... They’ve realized that we’ve outgunned and outclassed them in every way. ... They feel anger. They feel envy. They feel shame. ... It creates ingratitude of the most monstrous kind.”
Again, this is not the first time Wax has laid her racism bare.
On Jan. 24, in an interview with Concordia University professor Gad Saadshe, Wax said, "Given the realities of different rates of crime, different average IQs, people have to accept without apology that Blacks are not going to be evenly distributed throughout all occupations. They're just not, and that’s not a problem. That’s not due to racism.”
And in early January, The Daily Pennsylvanian reported that a petition garnered 800 signatures after Wax claimed that "the United States is better off with fewer Asians and less Asian immigration."
Penn Law School dean Theodore Ruger said at the time that Wax’s comments were “anti-intellectual,” “racist” and “diametrically opposed to the policies and ethos of this institution.” He added that “they serve as a persistent and tangible reminder that racism, sexism, and xenophobia are not theoretical abstractions but are real and insidious beliefs in this country and in our building.”
The Philidelphia Inquirer reports that Wax is currently facing a faculty senate review that could result in sanctions against her. Wax has worked at Penn for two decades and is a tenured professor.
In 2018, Ruger barred Wax from teaching mandatory first-year law courses after students became enraged over a video in which she said she’d never seen a Black Penn Law student graduate at the top of their class.
Neil Makhija, a Penn Law lecturer who also serves as executive director of Indian American Impact, a national South Asian civic and political organization tweeted Tuesday:
“Prof Amy Wax resents that she sees all the ‘brown faces’ at Penn Medicine and wants to ask them ‘why did you come here?’ Meanwhile, most were born in the U.S. and Americans all their lives. And are probably going to be the ones to treat her if she’s in the hospital.”