Graduate workshop: Data-driven environmental economics research from the EPA
Tuesday, May 3
1:00 PM EDT - 4:30 PM EDT
RSVP at https://brookings.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_sY_DzFvERoOMHhI2k0blqQ
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) creates and maintains a wealth of data that can inform high-quality research on the most pressing policy issues in environmental economics. However identifying, accessing, and understanding these data can be a formidable task. On May 3, the Brookings Center on Regulations and Markets is hosting a workshop to help young scholars overcome these issues.
The workshop is specifically aimed at graduate students who are interested in environmental economics and policy; who want to learn more about issues of current regulatory importance; and who want to understand the data that has been and can be used to explore these issues. The program will feature agency personnel who will give an overview of various data sets and researchers who have used EPA data in their graduate work. In addition, scholars from Brookings and academic institutions across the country will discuss their experience with EPA data. Attendees will gain a better appreciation of the types of data EPA creates and maintains, how to access and use that data, and how to match research questions to the data.
Registration is open to current graduate students (pre-docs and post-docs are also welcome to attend) and will be held over Zoom.
1:00 pm Welcome and introductory remarks
Katja Seim, Professor of Economics, Yale School of Management
Richard Allen, U.S. EPA Chief Data Officer
1:20 pm Overview of EPA datasets relevant to economics
This session features two talks give a broad overview of potentially relevant EPA data: a summary of lessons learned from over a dozen researchers who have used EPA data and suggestions for generating research ideas.
Lessons Learned from Using EPA Data
Jay Shimshack, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Professor of Public Policy and Economics, Batten School, University of Virginia
Where to get Research Ideas
Alex Marten, U.S. EPA Statistical Officer and Associate Director, National Center for Environmental Economics
1:50 pm Break
2:00 pm Short talks by EPA data owners and users
This session is comprised of four talks by EPA staff who can describe some of the most relevant EPA data sets and how to access them.
EmPOWER and Related Data
Justine Huetteman, U.S. EPA, Clean Air Markets Division
Toxics Release Inventory and Chemical Data Reporting
Speaker to be announced
ECHO Data Downloads
Courtney Tuxbury, U.S. EPA, Office of Compliance
EJSCREEN/RSEI for Environmental Justice Analysis
Peiley Lau, U.S. EPA, National Center for Environmental Economics
2:30 pm Longer talks #1 and #2
The session features two longer talks by young scholars who have used EPA data in their research.
Air Quality System Monitoring and Strategic Behavior
Eric Zou, University of Oregon and NBER
Toxics Releases and Children
Irene Jacqz, Iowa State University and Harvard University
3:15 pm Break
3:30 pm Longer talk #3
In this talk, Professor Evans will describe 2 research projects that use data obtained from public records requests to EPA and a state environmental agency. She will use the projects to share insights on navigating the public records request process.
Using Public Records Requests to Complement Available EPA Data
Mary Evans, University of Texas, LBJ School of Public Affairs
4:00 pm Short talks by data users
This session features talks by younger scholars who have used various EPA data sets in their research. These data include the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program, the Water Quality Portal, the Safe Drinking Water Information System, and air quality monitoring data.
Lavender Yang, Carnegie Mellon University
Tina Andarge, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Jiameng Zheng, UIUC
4:30 pm End
Numbers and Nature: Mitchell J. Feigenbaum Symposium
Thursday, June 2 - June 3
9:00am to 5:30pm
MIT, Building 6, Room 120, 182 MEMORIAL DR (REAR), Cambridge, MA 02139
Registration Information TBA
8:00 Registration
9:00 Welcome
Daniel Rothman — Professor of Geophysics and Co-Director of the Lorenz Center, MIT-EAPS
Predrag Cvitanović — Professor and Glen P. Robinson Chair in Nonlinear Sciences, Georgia Tech
Overcoming the Random Closed Packed Barrier: Crystallization in Granular Media
Harry Swinney — Professor Emeritus, UT Austin
How to Compute the Universe
Stephen Wolfram — Founder and CEO, Wolfram Research
Folds, Cuts and Isometries: Art and Science
L. Mahadevan — Professor of Physics, de Valpine Professor of Applied Mathematics, and Professor of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard
10:40 Coffee Break
Turbulence, From Newton’s Quadratic Law of Drag to Mitch Feigenbaum and Recent Times
Yves Pomeau — Emeritus Research Director, French National Centre for Scientific Research
Fluids Experiment
Bjorn Hof — Professor of Physics, IST Austria
Life and Death of Turbulence
Nigel Goldenfeld — Swanlund Chair and Center for Advanced Study Professor of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
12:30 Lunch | Ida Green Lounge, Green Building, Room 54-923
Geometry, Topology, and Electrophysiology: How Excitable Tissues Sense their Shapes
Adam Cohen — Professor of Chemistry, Chemical Biology, and Physics, Harvard
Cognitive Neuroscience
Josh Tennenbaum — Professor of Computational Cognitive Science, MIT-BCS
Optics, Vision, and Evolution, after Mitchell Feigenbaum, 1944-2019
Jean-Pierre Eckmann — Professeur Honoraire, University of Geneva
Collective Dynamics with Complex Connectivity
Boris Schraiman— Professor of Physics, UC Santa Barbara
4:00 Coffee Break
Mirrors and Mirages
Sir Michael Berry — Melville Wills Professor of Physics (Emeritus), University of Bristol
5:30 Reception | Hockfield Court, outside Stata Center east entrance
8:30 Registration
Overview; Feigenbaum’s Role in Chaos
Albert Libchaber — Detlev W. Bronk Professor of Physics, Rockefeller University
Broken Symmetries in Living Systems
Nikta Fakhri — Thomas D. and Virginia W. Cabot Career Development Professor, MIT-Physics
Hydrodynamics and Microbes
Alex Petroff — Professor of Physics, Clark University
10:40 Coffee Break
Singularity in a Teacup — When Nature Gives Infinity
Dwight Barkey — Professor of Mathematics, University of Warwick
Michael Brenner — Michael F. Cronin Professor of Applied Mathematics and Applied Physics, Harvard
John Bush — Professor of Applied Mathematics and Fluid Dynamics, MIT-Math
12:30 Lunch | Ida Green Lounge, Green Building, Room 54-923
Encoding Patterns in Single-Cell Locomotion: Oscillations, Synchronization, and Excitability
Kirsty Wan — ERC Starting Grantee, Senior Lecturer, University of Exeter
The Mysteries of Gaps and Pile-Ups at Planetary Resonances
Renu Malhotra — Louise Foucar Marshall Science Research Professor and Regents Professor of Planetary Sciences, University of Arizona
Sara Seager — Class of 1941 Professor of Planetary Science, Professor of Physics, and Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT-EAPS, Physics and AeroAstro
3:30 Coffee Break
5:30 Adjourn
Lecture Series
Cambridge Forum (https://www.cambridgeforum.org/?cat=3)
Tuesday, May 3
5:00 PM
RSVP at https://wgbh.zoom.us/webinar/register/4016503966173/WN_4MLtogH2RBynJHpgfS0sHg
It feels like a new Cold War is upon us – Russia poses an alarming extrinsic threat to the American concept of freedom, and to Western ideas of democratic values. Russia’s terrible assault on Ukraine and the recent elections of pro-Putin regimes in Hungary and Serbia, coincide with a growing threat to American democracy from within its own borders.
JOHN SHATTUCK, an international legal scholar and human rights leader, is currently Professor of Practice in Diplomacy at Tufts after a long and distinguished career in academia and government. In the early post-Cold War years, he was responsible for coordinating and implementing U.S. efforts to promote human rights, democracy and international labor rights. The first U.S. official to reach and interview survivors of the genocide at Srebrenica, he helped negotiate the Dayton peace agreement that ended the war in Bosnia and was instrumental in the establishment of the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. He also served President Clinton as U.S. Ambassador to the Czech Republic from 1998-2000.
His new book ‘Holding Together: the hijacking of rights in America’ is co-authored with SUSHMA RAMAN, Executive Director and Mathias Risse, faculty director at the Harvard Carr Center for Human Rights Policy. Shattuck and Raman will join the Forum to discuss the current world crisis with regard to human rights, a fight which challenges Americans domestically, as well as internationally. Raman is the host of Justice Matters podcast and a contributor to Foreign Policy magazine; she brings two decades of experience in launching and leading social justice and human rights’ initiatives to her position as director at the Carr Center.
Are you alarmed at the steady deterioration of common purpose among your fellow Americans or are you more concerned about the international disregard for human rights and democratic values, we have witnessed in Ukraine and beyond? Join our spirited discussion!
Our next Forum on Tuesday, May 17 "HARNESSING THE POWER OF SEAWEED: the miracle crop" will investigate the amazing properties of a common and ubiquitous aquatic plant – seaweed! If you want to learn more about the advantages of growing, eating and utilizing this rich natural resource you won’t want to miss our program. Zoom registration details follow shortly.
MIT Mobility Forum (http://mmi.mit.edu/events), "a weekly seminar series showcasing the groundbreaking transportation research occuring across the Institute"
Building Climate Resilience in Transportation Systems
Friday, May 13
12:00pm to 1:00pm
Virtual Event
RSVP at https://mit.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0uduurqTooEtw5jV5YDTyeuAs2ObxoaqxV
Andrew Whittle, Edmund K. Turner Professor in Civil Engineering
v Building the Future of Transportation
Friday, May 20, 2022 at 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Virtual Event
RSVP at https://mit.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0uduurqTooEtw5jV5YDTyeuAs2ObxoaqxV
Gill Pratt, Chief Scientist and Executive Fellow for Research of Toyota Motor Corporation
Climate Adaptation Forum (https://climateadaptationforum.org/events/)
Networking on the Trails: Mass Audubon’s Climate Initiatives
Wednesday, May 11
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Mass Audubon’s Broadmoor Wildlife Sanctuary, 280 Eliot Street, Natick, MA
RSVP at https://web.cvent.com/event/27ed5527-1095-4485-9a6e-46194419cae7/regProcessStep1
Join the Climate Adaptation Forum community for a learning and networking opportunity at Mass Audubon’s Broadmoor Wildlife Sanctuary in Natick, MA! Mass Audubon will present on their important climate initiatives and be available for Q&A. The property will then be yours to explore! Get to know and connect with like-minded people over a drink or two and stir up some climate action!
Registration is free. Advance registration is required for entry.
Climate Adaptation Forum
Phone: 617-505-1818
Email: ebc@ebcne.org
Sweltering Heat Waves and Increasing Drought: Can the Northeast handle the heat?
Friday, June 3
8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ET
UMass Club, 32nd Floor, 1 Beacon Street, Boston
RSVP at https://climateadaptationforum.org/event/sweltering-heat-waves-and-increasing-drought-can-the-northeast-handle-the-heat/
Hybrid format: register to attend in-person or as a virtual attendee
Cost: $15 - $45
The Climate Adaptation Forum is a collaboration between the Environmental Business Council and the Sustainable Solutions Lab at the University of Massachusetts Boston.
In the Northeast, extreme heat and drought may seem inconsequential when it comes to our list of weather woes. However, increasingly hot summers and lower levels of groundwater are showing us that those issues are not limited to the Western US – infamous for forest fires and drought. The Forum will bring in a diverse panel of speakers who will explore what we can learn from practitioners across the country who are already feeling the heat, as well as what our region is doing to mitigate these critical threats to our public and environmental health.
Join the Climate Adaptation Forum for this first in-person event since 2020! Another first – this forum will also be organized in a hybrid format. Attendees will have the option of being in-person, networking at the UMass Club in Boston, MA, or tuning in virtually from their locations around New England, the country, or even internationally! More information on these two attendance options can be found below.
Forum Speakers
Keynote Speaker:
Brenda Burman, Executive Strategy Advisor, Central Arizona Project
Zoe Davis, Climate Resilience Project Coordinator, City of Boston, MA
David Hondula, Director, Office of Heat Response and Mitigation, City of Phoenix, AZ
Dr. Margaret Redsteer (presenting virtually), Assistant Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences University of Washington Bothell
Viktoria Zoltay, Hydrologist, Office of Water Resources, Department of Conservation and Recreation Commonwealth of Massachusettsm, Forum Co-Chairs
Aaron Weieneth, Manager of Climate Change and Resilience, AECOM
Melanie Gárate, Climate Resilience Manager, Mystic River Watershed Association
Editorial Comment: Planning for Extreme Heat https://solarray.blogspot.com/2022/04/planning-for-extreme-heat-ny-phoenix.html
NE Restructuring Roundtable (http://www.raabassociates.org/main/roundtable.asp)
Market (Redesign) Pathways to a Decarbonized Grid; and Weaning Buildings Off Fossil Gas
Friday, June 10
9:00 am-12:30 pm
Foley Hoag LLP, 155 Seaport Boulevard 17th Floor, Boston, MA
in-person and livestream
RSVP at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/weaning-buildings-off-fossil-gas-market-pathways-to-a-decarbonized-grid-tickets-314024093517
Cost: $0 - $100
Convener/Moderator: Dr. Jonathan Raab, Raab Associates, Ltd.
Market (Redesign) Pathways to a Decarbonized New England Grid
Katie Dykes, Commissioner, Connecticut DEEP
Gordon van Welie, President & CEO, ISO New England
Todd Shatzki, Principal, Analysis Group
Peter Fuller, Principal, Autumn Lane Consulting
As a result of the New England states participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), carbon-emitting generation in New England pays a price for carbon it emits. But that price is too small - in and of itself - to shepherd in the amount of new carbon-free electricity resources that New England needs to decarbonize its electricity grid. Hence, many New England states have been issuing their own solicitations to procure clean energy resources (e.g, from off-shore wind and hydro from Quebec). Meanwhile, ISO New England, the New England states, and diverse regional stakeholders have been exploring various ways to redesign our wholesale markets to better align with our decarbonization aspirations. These ideas include the incorporation of a more impactful carbon price in wholesale energy markets and the introduction of a new forward clean energy market (FCEM).
At this Roundtable, we will examine the strengths and weaknesses of these various options, as well as stakeholder preferences regarding these choices. We begin with the findings of a recent ISO-New England sponsored comparative study conducted by Analysis Group. The study, which includes significant input from the New England States and NEPOOL stakeholders, compares the status quo with various approaches, including carbon pricing, FCEM, and a hybrid design combining carbon pricing and FCEM. We will then hear our panelists’ reactions to the study, and a spirited discussion about what New England should do.
Weaning New England’s Buildings Off Fossil Gas
Judith Judson, VP & Head of US Strategy. National Grid
William Akley, President & COO of Gas, Eversource Energy
Rebecca Tepper, Chief Energy & Environment, MA AGO's Office
Amy Boyd, Director of Policy, Acadia Center
Decarbonizing buildings will likely be New England’s greatest carbon emissions reduction challenge in the coming decades - particularly in our existing building stock heated by natural (aka fossil) gas. Options for decarbonizing these buildings include deep weatherization, electrification, decarbonizing the gas itself by using renewable natural gas and hydrogen, and/or geothermal energy. Various important developments are currently underway in the region. These include consideration of a Clean Heat Standard in Vermont, suspension of subsidies for new natural gas hook-ups in Connecticut, and the establishment of a Clean Heat Commission in Massachusetts.
In this Roundtable, we focus on what may prove to be the most promising development for building decarbonization in the region--Massachusetts DPU’s 20-80 Docket [Role of Gas Local Distribution Companies as the Commonwealth Achieves its Target 2050 Climate Goals]. Specifically, we examine the Massachusetts’ gas distribution companies recently-filed strategic gas decarbonization plans and proposed common regulatory reform framework. These filings are, in large part, based on the recently-released Technical Analysis of Decarbonization Pathways conducted by E3 on behalf of the gas distribution companies. Leaders from National Grid and Eversource will present their strategic decarbonization plans, as well as the key findings from the E3 study and their joint regulatory reform framework. This will be followed by critiques of these proposals and the underlying study from leading voices on behalf of consumer and environmental advocates.
Remaining 2022 NE Roundtable Dates
September 30 • December 9
(Topics, Speakers, & Registration TBD)
Mandating Climate Disclosures: Impacts on Sustainability and Financial Markets
Monday, May 2
4:45pm to 7:00pm
MIT Building 2, Room 190, 2-190 182 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA
Monday, May 2, 2022 — 4:45-6:15 PM — Reception to Follow
Host: Deborah Lucas, Sloan Distinguished Professor of Finance and Director, MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy
Panelists: Robert Eccles, Visiting Professor of Management Practice, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford
Carol Geremia, President, MFS Investment Management
Michelle Hanlon, Howard W. Johnson Professor of Accounting, MIT Sloan School of Management
Robert Pozen, Senior Lecturer, MIT Sloan School of Management
John Sterman, Jay W. Forrester Professor of Management, MIT Sloan School of Management
Moderator: Jason Jay, Senior Lecturer and Director, MIT Sloan Sustainability Initiative
In person:
MIT Covid Pass users: No registration required.
Non-MIT Covid Pass users: Please register in advance for a Tim Ticket, which will allow access to MIT buildings and the event:
Face coverings are now optional indoors at MIT for everyone.
Livestream: Link to be provided in the week leading up to the event.
Contact: gcfp@mit.edu
More information at https://calendar.mit.edu/event/mandating_climate_disclosures_impacts_on_sustainability_and_financial_markets
Bazaar of Ideas: Moving Stuff Around
Monday, May 2
7:00pm to 9:00pm
MIT, Building 13, Lobby 13, 105 Massachusetts Avenue (Rear), Cambridge, MA
Terrascope students showcase their ideas for facilitatiing sustainable, pedal-powered hauling of trash, recycling and compost.
Design for Complex Environmental Issues 2.00C/1.016/EC.746 Final Projects
7:00-8:00 Students present their designs and answer questions from the general public
8:00-8:30 Students present their ideas to a panel of experts and answer the experts' questions. The public is welcome to watch, and if time is available may have the opportunity to ask questions as well
8:30-9:00 Students available to show designs and answer questions from the general public
The Power of Protest: A Film Screening: The Boys Who Said No!
Wednesday, May 4
MIT, tbd
This is a hybrid event.
For Virtual Attendance: please register at https://mit.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_TYlRUvWEQwutkdR5HTHiJQ
For In-Person Attendance: Non-MIT-Community,
please go here to register
(Covid guidelines) or email weinmann@mit.edu
Refreshment will be served.
The Boys Who Said No! offers valuable lessons in what it takes to change the direction of national policy and for the voices of protest to be heard. Most importantly, the film demonstrates how moral courage is catching; how taking a stand encourages others to do the same; and how speaking out can reverberate through a whole country.
The Boys Who Said No! is a riveting panorama of draft resistance in the Vietnam War--complete with historical events including the shooting at Kent State and The Pentagon Papers. The film contains fascinating footage of the political figures of the day such as Martin Luther King (not to mention Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon), as well as hundreds of college students across America.
Professor Emeritus Ruth Perry will make introductory remarks and moderate the post-screening discussion. Mr. Robert Eaton, a protester featured in the film, will be our guest for questions and discussion.
This is a hybrid event: To virtually attend, please register here.
For non-MIT Community members, please go here to register
(Covid guidelines or email weinmann@mit.edu)
Refreshment will be served.
Questions: Email: weinmann@mit.edu
Radius @MIT (The Technology and Culture Forum)
40 Massachusetts Ave., W11, Cambridge, MA 02139
Net Zero MA.: Legislation + Energy Sources for Achieving 2050 Climate Goals
Thursday, May 5
7:30 AM EDT
MCLE, 10 Winter Place, Boston, MA
RSVP at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/net-zero-ma-legislation-energy-sources-for-achieving-2050-climate-goals-tickets-313660967397
Cost: $15
With urgency growing to reach net-zero in Mass, join the State House News Service for a timely, in-person discussion with key legislators and industry leaders.
Having committed Massachusetts to reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, Beacon Hill leadership is shifting its focus towards the policies and programs that might help the state honor that commitment: The House recently passed far-reaching legislation designed to attract more competition in the offshore wind sector and to boost its economic benefits, along with funding to upgrade the electric grid. The Senate has responded by unveiling a broad climate bill, one that includes solar energy initiatives and requires that all vehicles sold in the Commonwealth be electric by 2035. These efforts follow Gov. Baker's renewable energy proposal, filed last year, that targets the offshore wind price cap and would create a $750 million clean energy investment fund with federal relief money.
With urgency growing and so many factors at play, join us for a timely, in-person discussion with Gov. Baker, key legislators, and industry leaders on the issues driving clean energy and climate change policy. The State House News Forum, the events division of the State House News Service, brings together leaders on a wide range of impactful public policy issues.
Keynote speaker: Gov. Charlie Baker
Panel 1: The Legislative Road Ahead
Key members of the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities, and Energy, including House Chair Rep. Jeffrey Roy and Senate Chair Michael Barrett, will discuss proposed renewable energy and climate legislation under consideration with Katie Lannan of the State House News Service.
We’ll explore the component parts of the proposals and the considerations that may affect the outcome this legislative session.
Panel 2: Visions for Renewable and Other Clean Energy Sources
What’s the outlook, both near-term and 10 years ahead, for critical sources of renewable and clean energy?
Moderator: Jon Chesto, business reporter, the Boston Globe
Panelist: Judith Judson, VP of US Strategy, National Grid
Panelist: Daniel Hubbard, Director of External Affairs & General Counsel, Mayflower Wind
Panelist: Bill White, President and CEO, Avangrid Renewables
Panelist: Bill DiCroce, President and CEO, Vicinity Energy
For more information about the event, contact Dylan Rossiter at dylan.rossiter@statehousenews.com. Attendees will be required to show proof of vaccination.
7:30 a.m. — Doors open for networking and light refreshments
8:30 a.m. — Keynote address from Gov. Charlie Baker
8:45 a.m. — Panel 1: The Legislative Road Ahead
9:25 a.m. — Panel 2: Visions for Renewable and Other Clean Energy Sources
10:15 a.m. — Event end
Summit: Inventing the Future of Money
Thursday, May 5
12 – 1 p.m.
RSVP at https://hopin.com/events/inventing-the-future-of-money/registration
SPEAKER(S) Scott Duke Kominers, HBS Professor
Vasant Prabhu, CFO of Visa
Sheila Warren, CEO of the Crypto Council for Innovation
Join the HBS DI, HBAP, and D^3 for a one-hour virtual event to unpack where money is moving and where the opportunity lies — and for who. We’ll look at what this new world means economically and especially technologically. And as a case study, we’ll explore the opportunities and hurdles of a US-backed digital currency.
We are excited to bring in the perspectives of Vasant Prabhu, the CFO of Visa and Sheila Warren, the CEO of the Crypto Council for Innovation. HBS professor Scott Kominers will moderate a conversation on what the future of money looks like from Vasant and Sheila’s vantage points, focusing in on leveraging technology and the role of digital currency in that future.
CONTACT INFO digitalinitiative@hbs.edu
Environment, Ethics and Embodiment: Buddhist Approaches to Climate Change
Thursday, May 5
4:30pm to 6:00pm
MIT, Welcome Center Lecture Hall (E38), E38 292 Main Street, Cambridge
The T.T. and W.F. Chao Distinguished Buddhist Lecture Series engages the rich history of Buddhist thought and ethical action to advance critical dialogues on ethics, humanity, and MIT’s mission “to develop in each member of the MIT community the ability and passion to work wisely, creatively, and effectively for the betterment of humankind.”
Lecture By Willa Blythe Baker
(free and open to the public)
A book signing with Willa Blythe Baker will follow the lecture. A limited number of copies of The Wakeful Body: Somatic Mindfulness As a Path to Freedom will be available for free on a first-come, first-served basis.
About the speaker
Lama Willa Blythe Baker is the Founder and Spiritual Director of Natural Dharma Fellowship in Boston (MA) and its retreat center Wonderwell Mountain Refuge in Springfield (NH). She received her PhD in Religion from Harvard University in 2013, and was a Visiting Lecturer in Buddhist Ministry at Harvard Divinity School from 2013-2017. In the 1990s she completed two three-year retreats, after which she was authorized as a dharma teacher and lineage holder (lama) in the Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.
Her books include Essence of Ambrosia (2005), Everyday Dharma (2009), The Arts of Contemplative Care (2012) and The Wakeful Body(2021). Her articles have appeared in the Journal of International Buddhist Studies, Lion’s Roar, Buddhadharma, Tricycle Magazine, and other publications. She serves on the Advisory Board for One Earth Sangha, and has worked as Contemplative Faculty for the Mind and Life Institute.
Information: http://chaobuddhism.mit.edu
Contact: languages-events@mit.edu
Improving climate models with hybrid AI approaches
Friday, May 6
1 – 2 p.m.
Harvard, Science and Engineering Complex, LL2.221, Cambridge, MA
RSVP at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdn2tTPySCKBYOgwNJXDDJ0t9ptyaSd1YBv16MwqBNQfa_15g/viewform
SPEAKER(S) Tapio Schneider, Theodore Y. Wu Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering California Institute of Technology
While climate change is certain, precisely how climate will change is less clear. But breakthroughs in the accuracy of climate projections and in the quantification of their uncertainties are now within reach, thanks to advances in the computational and data sciences and in the availability of Earth observations from space and from the ground. I will survey the design of a new Earth system model (ESM), developed by the Climate Modeling Alliance (CliMA). The talk will cover key new concepts, including how AI techniques can be combined with process-informed models and how they can be used to dramatically accelerate algorithms for learning from data and for quantifying uncertainties.
CONTACT INFO jstrom@seas.harvard.edu
Fayette Park plant swap
Saturday May 7
12 to 2
At Fayette Park (off Fayette St, near corner of Broadway), Cambridge, MA, USA
Rain date—in case of DOWNPOUR—is Sunday May 8, 12-2.
As ever, bring anything you’d like to share. No need for elegant packaging, but please do write down the names of plants. We expect to have perennials, seedlings, seeds, indoor plants, catalogs, pots, tools, and lots of "whatever." Feel free to just come, chat with neighbors, talk gardening. It should be great just to see each other again!
But, one caveat: we have to make sure this isn’t a superspreader of.. Asian jumping worms! They have spread so widely that it’s hard to be sure anyone’s yard is free of them. If you don’t know about them, here’s a good informative link:
So.. given the need to be careful, here’s the deal:
Houseplants are fine. So are seedlings grown in potting soil. And of course seeds, tools, etc. Bring ‘em on!
But if you’re digging anything straight out of the soil, you have two choices:
= If possible, please wash off the plant roots—dunk them in water till you see no soil on the roots, therefore probably no worm eggs. Then bring them bare root in wet newsprint or a plastic bag, or repot them in clean potting soil.
= If you don’t have time to wash them off, we’ll put them in a separate area where people can help themselves, knowing that the soil could possibly have worm eggs. Not likely, but possible.
We will try to set up an area with a bucket for washing plants. And we’ll have a couple people around who know plenty about worms and can guide the process.
Can you tell that we’re figuring this out as we go? It’s not fun creating yet another protocol when we’re all so sick of them, but it’s best to be careful. “Spread the word, not the worm.”
Editorial Comment: The prophetic sf novel The Sheep Look Up by John Brunner includes a cascading series of environmental catastrophes, including invasive worms which destroy plants as well as protesters who block highways and chant, “Stop, you’re killing me!"
Wake up the Earth Festival
Saturday, May 7
Parade at 11:00 AM, food and booths 12:00-6:00 PM
This year we will be extending our celebration along the park stretching from Stonybrook to Jackson Square. We will be having some activities and entertainment along the park and entertainment at Jackson Square. More details to come.
The Wake up the Earth festival is a 44 year old event bringing together hundreds of people from around Boston to celebrate community and our planet. It’s a phenomenal day of food, parades, organizations, and festivities. It is returning for the first time in three years since the pandemic began, on Saturday, May 7 from 12:00-6:00 PM. BCAN will be having a table we’re sharing with the HERO nurturing Center and the Crane Ledge Woods Coalition. We need volunteers to help with several roles! This could include tabling (with talking points provided!), banner holding in the parade, help setting up, and more. Go to our spreadsheet for tasks to sign up for.
Circular Economy for Sustainable Development: The Role of Land, Fuels, and Manufacturing
Monday, May 9
12 – 1:30 p.m.
Harvard, Wexner Building, Room 102, Marc Heng and Family Conference Room, 79 John F. Kennedy Street, Cambridge
RSVP at https://www.belfercenter.org/event/circular-economy-sustainable-development-role-land-fuels-and-manufacturing
SPEAKER(S) Henrique Pacini, Economic Affairs Officer at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Francis X. Johnson, Senior Research Fellow at Stockholm Environmental Institute
Please join the Environment and Natural Resources Program (ENRP) for a seminar on "Circular Economy for Sustainable Development: The Role of Land, Fuels, and Manufacturing," featuring Francis X. Johnson, Senior Research Fellow at Stockholm Environmental Institute (SEI), and Henrique Pacini, Economic Affairs Officer at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Dr. Johnson will discuss governing land and biomass use for a climate-compatible bioeconomy, and Dr. Pacini will discuss governing materials and pollution pathways.
CONTACT INFO Elizabeth Hanlon - ehanlon@hks.harvard.edu
American governance: The way forward
Tuesday, May 10
10:00 - 11:30 a.m. EDT
Online: https://www.brookings.edu/events/american-governance-the-way-forward
RSVP at https://connect.brookings.edu/register-to-watch-american-governance
American democracy is in crisis—and solutions are needed more than ever. Public trust in elected officials and democratic institutions has plummeted; state legislatures are restricting voting rights and access to the ballot box; and Americans across the political spectrum are pessimistic about the future of the nation and unsure of democracy’s persistence. The factors responsible for this include a failure to safeguard the democracy, rule of law, and ethics pillars that have upheld American governance for nearly two and a half centuries. The results of that failure were never more evident than over the past four years. A new Brookings Press book, "Overcoming Trumpery: How to Restore Ethics, Rule of Law, and Democracy," analyzes what went wrong and exactly how to fix it. Edited by Brookings Senior Fellow Norman Eisen, the volume brings together a group of distinguished scholars and practitioners to provide an independent assessment of the problem and its solutions.
On May 10, Governance Studies at Brookings will host Eisen and seven of his co-authors as part of a two-panel webinar to mark the book’s public launch and discuss the key issues and the reforms the authors propose to address them. The first panel will consider the situation in the states in advance of the 2022 midterm elections. The second panel will address the issues at the federal level. Both panels will consider how to close democracy, rule of law, and ethics gaps going forward.
Viewers can submit questions by emailing events@brookings.edu or on Twitter using #OvercomingTrumpery. Panel 1: The view from the states: Crisis and response Moderator: Norm Eisen, Senior Fellow, Governance Studies, Brookings Mel Barnes, Staff Counsel, Law Foward Victoria Bassetti, Consultant, Brookings Jeffrey Mandell, Founder, President, and Lead Counsel, Law Forward Panel 2: Closing the gaps at the federal level Moderator: Norm Eisen, Senior Fellow, Governance Studies, Brookings Virginia Canter, Chief Ethics Counsel, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) Joseph Foti, Chief Research Officer, Open Government Partnership
Walter M. Shaub Jr., Senior Ethics Fellow, Project on Government Oversight (POGO); Former Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics
Anne Weismann, Former Chief Counsel and Chief FOIA Counsel, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW)
Energy Companies and the Energy Transition: Transforming the Organization
Tuesday, May 10
12:00 PM - 1:15 PM
RSVP at https://www.energypolicy.columbia.edu/events-calendar/energy-companies-and-energy-transition-transforming-organization
The transition away from a fossil fuel-based energy system to one based on cleaner energy technologies raises profound questions for traditional oil and gas companies. In looking to the world’s future energy requirements, some of these companies are looking for ways to evolve into broader energy companies to reach net-zero targets by 2050. They will require new capabilities, leadership, and cultures as they shift their business models, capital allocation, and organizational capabilities.
To better understand the opportunities, experiences, and challenges facing oil and gas companies in adapting to the energy transition, the Center on Global Energy Policy will host a panel of experts with experience in the sector.
Amy Myers Jaffe, Co-Chair, Women in Energy Steering Committee, Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University SIPA and Managing Director, Climate Policy Lab, Fletcher School, Tufts University
Speakers: Andrea Galieti, Vice President for Policy and Partnerships, bp
Sunaina Ocalan, Director, Corporate Strategy and Climate Change, Hess Corporation
Ariwoola Ogbemi, Senior Advisor, Equinor
This webinar will be hosted via Zoom. Advance registration is required. Upon registration, you will receive a confirmation email with access details. The event will be recorded and the video recording will be added to our website following the event.
This event is open to press, and registration is required to attend. For media inquiries or requests for interviews, please contact Natalie Volk (nv2388@columbia.edu).
For more information about the event, please contact energypolicyevents@columbia.edu
Event Contact Information:
Center on Global Energy Policy
Manufacturing the Clerical Predator: How the Catholic Hierarchy Creates and Maintains a Culture of Abuse
Tuesday, May 10
4 – 6 p.m.
RSVP at https://harvard.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_a6_KXI-3QgOWt3PtFjuFsg
This event is free and open to the public, but registration is required.
The Catholic Church has overseen the world's longest lasting and most widespread campaign of institutional sexual abuse. Why is it that after sixteen centuries of documented evidence and decades of continuous international public exposure, new revelations of the scope and magnitude of the abuse crisis continue to shock the public? In this webinar, organizer and film director Sarah Pearson will present her documentary film featuring former and current priests who reveal how clerical pedophilia is not a phenomenon that occurs as the result of an external perversion of the Catholic hierarchy, but rather, a distinct form of sexual violence that is produced, manufactured, and reproduced within the clerical system.
Panelists include:
Anne Barrett Doyle, Co-Director, Bishop Accountability
Shaun Dougherty, President, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests
Denise Buchanan, Founding Board Member, Ending Clergy Abuse
Peter Isely, Program Director, Nate’s Mission
Carbon Neutral Geothermal Building In the Hudson Valley
Friday, May 13
New Paltz, NY
RSVP at https://nesea.org/be-event/net-zero-mixed-use-building-hudson-valley
Cost: $25
NESEA returns to the Hudson Valley for a Pro Tour of Zero Place, an award-winning building that is poised to bring the town of New Paltz 6 commercial and 46 residential units. Thanks to generous sponsor support, all attendees are being given the member price of $25, which will include the tour, CEUs, and lunch.
Under the building, the 15 geothermal wells act as a heat sink or "thermal battery" for the ground-water loop running through the building, with separate heat pump units for all residential, common area, and retail units. 100% of the domestic hot water for the building is provided by the integrated geothermal system, specifically designed for ultra-efficient performance.
This project was recognized as a Round One Winner in NYSERDA’s Buildings of Excellence competition. This competition was launched in March 2019 and has awarded over $31 million to over three dozen exemplary new construction projects.
Securing the Future of Agriculture
Tuesday, May 17
9:00am to 5:00pm
MIT Building W16: Kresge Auditorium, 48 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA
Sustainable food production is challenged on many fronts. There will be more mouths to feed using fewer resources on less land. The environment is warming, rainfall patterns are changing, and atmospheric carbon dioxide is increasing. Industrial farms based on the oil economy will need to give way to new energy systems in less than a generation. Geopolitical instability threatens global food security, and the rate of crop improvement remains stubbornly slow.
There is plenty of room for innovation. Seeds are the key to revolutionizing agricultural productivity, and the 21st Century brought powerful new genomic tools to accelerate genetic gain.
This symposium — cosponsored by the MIT Whitehead Institute and Inari — covers how some of these tools, developed here in Cambridge, are being used to advance crop improvement.
Morning Session
Where We Find Opportunities for Crop Improvement
Afternoon Session
Bring on the Compute: How Data and Deep Learning Will Deliver Tomorrow's Crops
Have a question about the event? Email: SecuringAgFuture@inari.com
INDIVIDUALS WHO DO NOT HAVE AN MIT ID ARE REQUIRED TO ORDER A TIM TICKET VISITOR PASS TO ACCESS THIS EVENT. Visit the following page to order your pass: https://visitors.mit.edu/?event=f4a2a203-a30b-4c6f-b170-ea0196c3acd2
NECEC Emerging Trends Series: Deploying Climate Solutions
Wedneday, May 18
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT
Greentown Labs, 444 Somerville Avenue, Somerville, MA
RSVP at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/necec-emerging-trends-series-deploying-climate-solutions-tickets-323371190937
Cost: $0 – $25
Connecting City Leaders & Entrepreneurs
Cities are ground zero in the fight against climate change. They consume more than 78 percent of the world’s energy and produce more than 60 percent of greenhouse gas emissions.
These statistics present a tremendous challenge but also an enormous opportunity to deploy the solutions necessary to achieve our climate goals. Boston (home to NECEC and Greentown Labs) and New York (a city NECEC works closely with) are two of the cities ranked most “at risk” for climate change by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. To mitigate this risk, these cities are making real commitments and taking significant action toward creating a just and equitable clean energy future while also building a diverse climate economy for their residents. Additionally, the Northeast proudly fosters a robust community of climatetech disruptors who are creating solutions that cities and towns can deploy to reduce their carbon footprint, save their residents money, and improve their quality of life.
And while these solutions are being created in Boston, New York, and across the Northeast, city leaders and technology innovators often don’t know each other or know how to engage one another. Cities frequently lack the resources and expertise to identify, vet, and purchase the latest technologies; while entrepreneurs have difficulty finding places to pilot and deploy their solutions.
In this Emerging Trend Series, NECEC and Greentown Labs are coming together to unite city leaders and entrepreneurs on the same stage to learn from each other and explore how they can work together to accelerate our transition to a just and equitable clean energy future and diverse climate economy. We’ll discuss the challenges cities face in reaching their climate goals, how entrepreneurs can best connect with cities given public procurement laws, and examples of solutions that are ready to deploy in cities.
10:00 - Welcoming Remarks. Joe Curtatone, President, President of NECEC and Mayor Katjana Ballantyne, City of Somerville
10:08 - Opening Remarks. H.G. Chissell, Founder & CEO of Advanced Energy Group
10:15 - Mayoral Panel Discussion: Advancing local climate goals: how technology can help?
11:00 - Conversation between City leaders and Entrepreneurs.Moderator: former NECEC President Peter Rothstein
11:20 - Panel Reflection. Ryan Dings, Chief Operating Officer and General Counsel, Greentown Labs
11:30 - Lightning pitches. Moderator: Moneer Azzam, Principal, Beacon Climate Innovations
11:50 - Networking and Technology Showcase.
A Changing Planet Seminar: Seasonal rainfall over Eastern Africa and the Tropics: Trends, Climate Models and Projections
Wednesday, May 18
11:00 - 12:30 GMT-04:0
RSVP at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/east-africa-tropics-seasonal-rainfall-trendsclimate-models-projection-tickets-324129830047
Much of the tropics experience a strong seasonal cycle of rainfall, with marked wet and dry seasons. These seasons are of key societal importance to populations across the global tropics, impacting sectors including agriculture, health and energy. Recent declines in seasonal rainfall across Eastern Africa are linked with decreasing food security and other challenges. Yet, future projections suggest an increase in rainfall over Eastern Africa. This discrepancy between recent trends and future projections is known as the East Africa Climate Change Paradox. Furthermore, climate models used to produce projections under future climate do not capture the correct seasonal cycle over Eastern Africa, leading to questions on the reliability of projections. This adds to the challenges around communication of future projections over the region. In other regions, changes during the dry seasons may present challenges for perennial crops, including cocoa.
About the speaker
Caroline is based at the Grantham Institute, and her research is on topics around exploring climate change-related risk for populations whose livelihoods are strongly dependent on seasonal rainfall, predominantly focused on Africa. She completed her PhD at the University of Reading, during which she developed a methodology for quantifying the seasonal cycle and analysed future projections of changing precipitation seasonality over Africa. Since then, she has worked on a range of projects, including research on rainfall seasonality (including recent trends and model representation) over East Africa, sub-seasonal to seasonal forecasting over East and West Africa, and changing climatic suitability for cocoa growth across Africa and South America (in collaboration with Mars-Wrigley confectionery). Previously, she completed her BSc in Mathematics with Geography at the University of Exeter and an MSc in Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate at Reading.
Climate Conversations: Adaptation in Agriculture
Thursday, May 19
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM EDT
RSVP at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/climate-conversations-adaptation-in-agriculture-tickets-317620329957
Join us for a conversation about how U.S. farmers are responding to changing climate conditions and how policies can support these efforts.
Extreme rainfall, rising temperatures, and changing production conditions are just some of the hazards climate change creates for agriculture. Join us for a conversation about how farmers are responding to these challenges in the United States and how policies can support or hinder innovative practices. Speakers will be announced soon.
The conversation will be webcast on the Climate Conversations: Adaptation in Agriculture webpage on Thursday, May 19, 2022 from 3-4pm ET. Closed captioning will be provided. The conversation will include questions from the audience and will be recorded and available to view on the page after the event.
Climate Conversations: Pathways to Action is a monthly webinar series from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine that aims to convene high-level, cross-cutting, nonpartisan conversations about issues relevant to national policy action on climate change.
The End of the Petrostate - How Electrification will Reshape the World
Thurssday, May 19
3:00 PM – 4:30 PM EDT
RSVP at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-end-of-the-petrostate-how-electrification-will-reshape-the-world-tickets-319681986427
Join the Electrify Coalition as we explore the potential of Renewable Energy and Electrification to end the Petrostate.
Russia's war in Ukraine has again brought the world face to face with the lose-lose dynamics of our dependence on fossil fuels for energy. The uneven distribution of fossil fuels resources and the ensuing wealth and power that accrues to a handful of individuals, corporations and states too often results in bad outcomes.
With autocrats invading sovereign nations with arms paid for by oil and gas revenues, and gigantic multinational oil and gas corporations using their immense profits to maintain the earth scorching status quo, its hard to avoid the conclusion that fossil fuels have corrupted our world. Add to that the aptly named "resource curse" where countries with fossil fuel resources usually end up poorer than their neighbors without them, and it's time to switch to a clean energy dynamic for the 21st century.
Renewable energy and electrification offers a distributed, democratic, self sufficient alternative to the petrostate. The wind and sun reach every corner of the earth. For the first time, formerly energy challenged countries can be energy producers by constructing cost effective solar farms and wind turbines. Even individuals can be nearly energy independent by installing solar panels on their roofs and powering their homes with efficient electric appliances.
Join the Electrify Coalition as we explore the potential of renewable energy and electrification to end the petrostate and change the global balance of energy power. We'll discuss the rapid pace of change in energy generation globally and the latest estimates on how quickly we might achieve an end to our reliance on fossil fuels and the corrupting power that comes with this limited resource.
Please consider making a donation for this webinar to the Electrify Everyone Fund. All proceeds from your donations go towards installing free heat pump water heaters in low income homes through the nonprofit Community Energy Project. Your donation will help reduce carbon emissions and lower utility bills for these families. Thank you!
Bringing Together Varied Communities, As in the Covid Pandemic and Climate Change
Friday, May 20
2:30 – 5 p.m.
RSVP at https://web.cvent.com/event/873b731b-36c5-4695-8cf5-423fceaa7ba1/summary
SPEAKER(S) Janet Ancel, Member, Vermont General Assembly, Chair, House Committee on Ways and Means
Edgar H. Schein, Emeritus Society of Sloan Fellows Professor of Management and Professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management
Elena Cherepanov, Professor, Cambridge College; Clinical Lead for Refugees, Lynn Community Health Center
From the Community Mental Health perspective, the health—including mental health—of communities is based on community self-determination and self-care. This is composed of community understanding and activation. How can this be facilitated through health professionals’ preventive and reparative intervention? We present some concepts and experiences of various degrees of complexity and success. These days we do not lack life stresses on which to test these ideas; we have chosen the COVID pandemic and environmental threats as examples. We offer this exchange to enhance clarity and effectiveness for those engaged in community health promotion.
CONTACT INFO Information via Emily Pierce: ce@williamjames.edu : (781) 312-248
MA Attorney General Climate Debate
Wednesday, May 25
RSVP at https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QcIQzQ-8SP2tZjXUehx0yg
350MA is proud to host the Massachusetts Attorney General Climate Debate, with candidates Andrea Campbell, Quentin Palfrey, and Shannon Liss-Riordan, moderated by Boston Globe climate reporter Sabrina Shankman.