This Week in Gnuville
Hope they enjoyed the "Fuck Around" phase, because we are firmly in "Find Out": Saturday's GNR*
Still on the Trending List!
Trump and his evil henchmen did some truly awful Fuck Around leading up to (and including 1/6) and, my friends, we are finally, FINALLY, at the start of Find Out.
And it is great to be here.
So far, these hearings have exceeded my expectations. The committee is clearly showing a lot of illegal activity and the DOJ is clearly interested and also on the case.
It is pretty clearly showing crimes. Eastman has very, very clearly committed some super-serious crimes
[I agree with Goodie. Do you? ~2thanks]
Good News Roundup for Friday, June 17, 2022: Just DO It
chloris creator
Good News Round Up: First Day of the Second Half of the Third J6 Hearing the Sixth Month
You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet - J6 Hearings and More - June 15 Good News Roundup
An Emergency Potluck - GNR for Bluesday, June 14th
From the GNR Newsroom: The Monday Good News Roundup
Jessiestaf, Bhu, and Killer300
Sunday Good News ¤ WineRev ¤ 2 Polls: Who Won the Week? ... AND ... Are you boosted?
* In case you do not know, we cannot use Fuck in a diary title, but we can use it in the text of a diary.
Kerry Eleveld, Daily Kos Staff: The survey by the progressive consortium Navigator Research found that nearly two-thirds of Americans (63%) are hearing either "a lot" or "some" about the public hearings, including 70% of Democrats, 52% of independents, and 59% of Republicans. The quality and veracity of that information surely varies, but people across partisan lines are paying attention.
Additionally, by 36 points, Americans overwhelmingly support the work of the House select committee investigating Jan. 6. Once again, nearly two-thirds (64%) support the panel's investigation into "what happened on January 6th at the Capitol and the events leading up to it." That support includes 88% of Democrats and 56% of independents and even 40% of Republicans. Just 28% of Americans oppose the inquiry.
WineRev’s Good and Goofy Notes
WineRev is taking a couple of days off from his self-imposed, allocentric, selfless, considerate, compassionate, kind, noble, public-spirited, generous, magnanimous, unstinting, charitable, benevolent, beneficent, liberal, openhanded, free-handed, philanthropic, humanitarian, and bounteous Good and Goofy Notes. Something about a son getting married this weekend. Here’s his most recent comment, from chloris creator’s Friday Roundup, wherein WineRev does some pre-splainin’.
Good morning Chloris. I hope the sun of the last Friday of Spring is twinkling off the pellucid waters of Lake Geneva as you write and post this Round Up. We thank you and we enjoy inhaling the Alpine air with you at the outdoor tables of the Good News Cafe (under the Cinzano umbrellas this morning, I see….) Great stuff and lots to compile; could the overall News actually be getting a bit better?
Public Service Announcement
After over 2 years (730+ straight days!) of continuous daily postings of the History Corner, I will need to take this weekend off. Tonight is the Rehearsal Dinner and tomorrow the Wedding of WineRev-ver and his sweetie Elizabeth. It is my first ever turn as a Father-of-half-a-couple and I want to do it right and party long. Regular History Corner comments (and a new string of daily entries) will begin Monday morning. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Any good science news for us?
14 Other Sources of Good News!
🎩 arhpdx and Mokurai: In case you need more good news for soul nourishment, arhpdx posted a list of good news sites toward the top of their recent Roundup, or you can find that list in my comment: Good News Sources. Thanks, A & M!
[On a desktop, you could open that comment in a new Tab by clicking the timestamp, and then you could Bookmark that page or save it to your Favorites.]
Our map of Gnuville: 755 of us have shared our global locations!
To leave your mark, please Reply in the comments to tljdk or the map-building comment. Please include your city and state only, NOT street number and street. (Please persist, we are volunteers.)
Image: Two maps of the United States, one above the other. The maps indicate the approximate locations of members of the Good News Roundup community in 2019 and 2021. The lower map contains many more blue pin-markers than the upper map. Upper image: A map of Gnuville from February 15, 2019 with about 50 Gnusie pins. Lower image: A map of Gnuville from March 21, 2021 with 582 pins across our orb.
If you join us regularly, are you Following us? More than 400 Kosacks Follow us.
Tech Talk for Kosacks
- Load-More Workaround (Revisions of 3/15/2022 in bold): On a desktop or laptop, to banish the Daily Kos Load More buttons, click this link, which opens the main Daily Kos page and shuts off the Load More buttons at the same time. You must Reload any open Daily Kos pages. After that, you’re good to go, but you may need to come back here and click that link again in a few weeks. The DK Help Desk asked me to add this: The “Load More” option also resets the user back to the display of the old-style, React comments. This workaround continues to work with my Windows 7 and Chrome.
- Got a Daily Kos tech question? Let us know. No question is too basic, even “What’s a Kosack?” or “What’s a Gnusie?”
- Solved a tech question recently? Please feel free to repeat it in the comments.
Where Ever is Herd
Morning Good News Roundups at 7 x 7: These Gnusies lead the herd at 7 a.m. ET, 7 days a week:
- The Monday GNR Newsroom (Jessiestaf, Killer300, and Bhu). With their five, we survive and thrive.
- Alternating Tuesdays: NotNowNotEver and arhpdx.
- Wednesdays: niftywriter.
- Thursdays: Mokurai the 1st, 2nd, and 5th (when there is one), WineRev the 3rd, MCUBernieFan the 4th.
- Fridays: chloris creator. Regular links to the White House Briefing Room.
- Saturdays: GoodNewsRoundup, the one and only!
- Sundays: 2thanks. A brief roundup of Roundups, a retrospective, a smorgasbord, a bulletin board, an oasis, a watering hole, a thunder of hooves, a wellness, a place for beginners to learn the rules of the veldt. For instance, we do not welcome grammar-police comments in Roundups.
Sun-High Good News Roundup: It’s a long dry trek between 7 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. ET. About half way between is noon or 1 o'clock. If you'd like to create a midday oasis post a Good News Group diary regularly at about that time, please let me know via kosmail. The team will support you. If morning is a better time for you, Mokurai says he can trade times.
hpg posts Evening Shade diaries at 7:30 p.m. ET every day! After a long day, Gnusies meet in the evening shade and continue sharing Good News, good community, and good actions. Find Evening Shades here or on the Trending List.
oldhippiedude posts Tweets of the Week on Sundays at 6 p.m. CT. Our second evening Gnusie hangout zone! In search of a TOTW diary? Look here or here or on the Trending List.
For more information about the Good News group, please see our detailed Welcoming comment, one of the first comments in our morning diaries.
The 6 R’s of the Resistance
Joe Biden is now our President. However, we continue to stay vocal and active, we continue to pull Joe to the left, and we continue resist the GQP.
- Refresh and Rest: Take care of you, the hero: Eat well, exercise, and rest.
- Resist: Protest on the streets, call senators and representatives, etc.
- Rebel: Run for office, GOTV (Get Out The Vote), support a progressive.
- Revolt: Change the laws, change the culture, build your communities.
- Rely: Trust that millions of others are fighting the good fight.
- Rejoice: Joy promotes resilience and gives rise to hope.
How to Resist: Do Something …
Uplifting chloris creator’s list of action steps from Friday, June 3rd:
DONATE TO SAVE DEMOCRACY! GNR SAVES DEMOCRACY! GoodNewsRoundup started our ActBlue campaign.
new!!! Tax-exempt organization complaint referrals. 13909. This has been filled out for the NRA, but, hey, you can use it for a lot of other organizations. How about if some of us white folk go into some of the MAGA churches and video record what they’re saying?
“The process to get the NRA's tax-exempt nonprofit status revoked has become simpler. All you need to do is save this form and email it to It's all filled out for you. You just need to click send.” Allen Glines
Note that the IRS protects your anonymity: The appropriate checkbox is already checked: "I am concerned that I might face retaliation or retribution if my identity is disclosed."
Voting rights. This may be the biggest issue threatening our democracy right now. Besides contacting your representatives at the state and federal level to do the right thing (depending on who they are), you can support and contact these organizations:
ACLU — American Civil Liberties Union
Democracy Docket — founded by Marc Elias, so important in fighting the challenges after the last election.
Fair Fight — founded by Stacey Abrams
🌱Grass roots. Biden and Harris can do the top-down stuff, but we have to support from the bottom. I don’t know how to deprogram 75 million people, but some things have been written about, such as deep canvassing, and lots of people are talking about this. If you know someone (who did not storm the Capitol), then see if you can be pleasant. Instead of trying to reason with them (logic is obviously not their strong point) distract them with something else. We need to remove the sources of lies and to take down the temperature. If we get more of the Rs to wear masks and to get vaccinated and to vote for Ds, the country will be a better place. We need to coax some of them out of the rabbit holes and diffuse the anger and the crazy.
🏃 Run for something. If you want to run for something, but have no idea what to do, these people will help you. They also like money and volunteers to help those people who are running, so even if you’re not in a position to stand for office, you can help. Note: they are especially planning to target the 57 Rs in local governments who participated in the insurrection.
👎 Defund the seditionists. This is a list with companies that sometimes have donated to the seditionists, and their current approach to supporting or not supporting the seditionists. The list is long. You will recognize many of the corporations, and you probably have a relationship with some — either you are a customer, a shareholder, or maybe even an employee. Contact them and compliment or complain, but let them know you are watching. Forward it to others.
On Daily Kos:
We welcome comments in Roundups every day regarding:
- National or local Good News.
- Links, stories, music, videos, quotes, tweets. (No tweets or images of the saffron chlamidiot, please.)
- Your resistance activity.
In my Sunday smorgasbord Roundups, I especially welcome the following types of comments:
- Who won YOUR week?
- Questions about Daily Kos tech issues or our map.
- Good News Roundups and you.
- How are you resisting?
- Please let’s stick to Good News today, no mews or databases.
In the comments of all Roundups, we do not welcome Grammar Police or Debbie Downers.
Top Image: Starhawk created this diary’s top image of the rampant gnu and gave it to the members of the Good News Roundup group (Gnusies)! Thank you, Starhawk! This is a quite detailed sketch of a gnu drawn in brown, green, and black. A happy and dynamic gnu dances on its left hind leg in a classic rampant heraldric pose. Joyful letters prance above and behind the mane: “Happy Dance.” Signature: Nick Korolev, 2021.
Our Roundup is almost open!
Thank you for fighting for truth and justice with all us Gnusies! 40% of our Readers don’t visit every day, 50% of us do, and 10% are here for the first time! We all do what we can. For 4 years, we’ve shared positive news, laughed, organized, resisted, rebelled, revolted without being revolting, relied, rested, mentored, created, crossed rivers, chewed our cud, puffed methane out both ends, and laughed. Here’s looking at you, kid, and standing upwind!
As always, please share more Good News than I can find or provide.
This is a group diary, and by my power I declare this Good Gnus Salo(o)n open! Let the good-news sharing and community building begin!
Power with, not power over ❤️ ✊ ❤️
2thanks (he, him)