CDC Data 40,000 Forty-Thousand People In The US, Die From Firearms, Every Year! 4 Out Of 10 Were Firearm Homicides.
A High-Powered Rifle Like An An AR-15 Can Hit Targets, As Far Away As 500 Yards And Up To, One Mile.
Sign The Petition-Tell Congress Reinstate The Assault Weapons Ban.
Gun Laws In The US By State
Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense in America - More Info
David Hogg, Parkland School Shooting Survivor Launches PAC To Help Elect Gen Z Candidates To Political Office. FB
Gay Valimont-Running For Congress Against Matt Gaetz. By Kossack Charles Jay.
2024 United States House Of Representatives Elections 1st District, Florida #JustSayGay Facebook / Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense in America - More Info
March For Our Lives Student Activists For Sensible Gun Laws.
A Courageous, Youth Led Movement. Promoting Civic Engagement, Education, And Direct Action By Youth, To Eliminate The Epidemic Of Gun Violence. Videos
Student Activists Take On The NRA
How To Run For Office NPR
Requirements To Run For Local Office
Vote 411 / FB
Demand a Seat launched in 2021. To train grassroots volunteers and gun violence survivors to take the next step in their advocacy by running for office and working on campaigns to elect Gun Sense Candidates 275 Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action volunteers ran for office. Join them in turning the tide on our nation’s gun violence crisis!
Demonstrating their political power, nearly 160 volunteers across 30 states were elected to school boards, city councils, state legislatures, and Congress. Video
Join Today
Sensible Gun Regulations Now! EveryTown For Gun Safety-Students Demand Action-Demand A Seat.
Firearm Injuries Are A Serious Public Health Problem. 2020, There Were Over, 45,000 Firearm Related Deaths In The United States
124 People Die From A Firearm Related Injury, Each Day!
In 2020, Firearm Injuries Were Among The 5 Leading Causes Of Death For People Ages 1 to 44 In The United States. CDC National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
More People Survive Non-Fatal Firearm Related Injuries, Than Die.
7 Out Of 10 Medically Treated Firearm Injuries, Are From Firearm Related Assaults.
2 Out Of 10 Are From, Unintentional Firearm Injuries.
Gun Law United States Wikipedia Federal Gun Buying Laws - Gun Laws By State
Gun Safety And Secure Storage Gun Owner Safety Training / The Importance Of Firearm Safety-Videos Everytown For Gun Safety
A Navy SEAL Explains-How To Survive An Active Shooter Youtube auto-plays
Strong Gun Laws Save Lives. Everytown For Gun Safety Action-Gun Violence Prevention Programs
Background Checks / Videos
Red Flag Law
Repeal The Liability Shield Law Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) US law, passed in 2005, that protects firearms manufacturers and dealers from being held liable when crimes have been committed with their products.
Statistically; 1 Out Of 100 People, Are Psychopaths And They Look Just Like Everyone Else. Add; Drugs / Alcohol And, Or, One Of These - Results, "Self-Explanatory!"
Contact US Government Elected Officials
How To Make A Phone Call To An Elected Official Youtube auto-plays Fact Sheet How To-What To Say.
The Biden Plan To End US Gun Violence Epidemic Biden Harris Democrats
President Joe Biden’s Actions To Curb Gun Violence
Vice President Kamala Harris Record On Gun Reform Youtube
Supreme Court Strikes Down New York Concealed Carry Law. The Sullivan Act
The Supreme Court Struck Down A New York Law That Placed Strict Restrictions On Carrying Concealed Firearms In Public. Finding: its requirement, that applicants seeking a concealed carry license demonstrate a special need for self-defense, is unconstitutional. Jun 23, 2022
Concealed Carry Laws Boost Gun Crime By A Third, Study Finds.
The most significant impact is that right to carry laws elevate gun theft by roughly 35%. “Introducing tens of thousands of guns into the hands of criminals or illegal gun markets each year.” The study notes that other countries, such as Israel, impose jail sentences for negligent gun practices such as leaving firearms in unlocked cars precisely because of the ill effects of stolen guns. Steve Goldstein @MKTWgoldstein
"Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act," House Bill 38 A top priority for the NRA and other gun rights groups, passed 231 -198.
This bill establishes a federal statutory framework to regulate the carry or possession of concealed firearms across state lines.
An individual who is eligible to carry a concealed firearm in one state, may carry or possess a concealed handgun in another state, that allows its residents to carry concealed firearms, (other than a machine gun).
This bill preempts, most state and local laws related to concealed carry and establishes a private right of action, for a person adversely, affected by interference with the concealed carry right, established by this bill.
The AR-15 Has A Maximum Effective Rate Of 45 Rounds Per Minute. Videos
M16/M4 bullets travel at a speed of 2,050 miles per hour. M14/M2 50 cal. Machine gun bullets travel at a speed of 1,840 miles per hour.
AR57, also known as the AR Five Seven, upper receiver for the AR-15 has a 50-shot capacity and downward ejection, for ambidextrous operation. Operating by simple blowback, this upper is available in 6-inch pistol and 16-inch rifle versions.
A 9mm Bullet Travels At A Speed Of, About 900 Miles Per Hour!
Moms Demand Action Was Founded To Demand Action, Now! Facebook
Ban assault weapons and ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.
Require background checks for all gun and ammunition purchases.
Report the sale of large quantities of ammunition to the ATF, and ban online sales of ammunition.
Make gun trafficking a federal crime with serious criminal penalties.
Counter gun industry lobbyists' efforts to weaken gun laws at the state level.
Moms Demand Action On Gun Control Reforms Youtube
Protecting Our Kids Act HR 7910
Passed In House Of Represanitives-Needs To Pass In The Senate, NOW! 117th Congress 2021-2022 All Actions Pending Bills-Current Legislative Activities
Prohibits the sale or transfer of certain semi-automatic firearms to individuals who are under 21 years of age.
Establishes new federal criminal offenses for gun trafficking and related conduct.
Establishes a federal statutory framework to regulate ghost guns (ie, guns without serial numbers).
Establishes a framework to regulate the storage of firearms on residential premises at the federal and state levels.
Subjects bump stocks, to regulation under federal firearms laws.
Prohibits the import, sale, manufacture, transfer, and possession of large capacity ammunition feeding devices.
Requires the Department of Justice to report on the demographic data of persons who are determined to be ineligible to purchase a firearm based on a background check performed by the national instant criminal background check system.
Wear Orange
“Can You See Me Now?”
Everytown for Gun Safety Videos Youtube
Even If I Were A Republican, In The Reddest State, I Wouldn’t Vote For These Incumbent, Republican Candidates. Their Continual, Negative Votes On Gun Safety Reform, Does Not Exhibit Concern, Regarding The Best Interests Of The American People! Those People; Whom These GOP Politicians, Have Been Elected To Represent And Protect.
Firearms Regulation-Gun Control
States That Allow Conceal Carry Of Guns Without A Permit Or License
Analysis Of Mass Shootings National Criminal Justice Reference Service NCJRS The FBI defines a "mass shooting" as any incident in which at least four people are murdered with a gun.
Assault weapons or high-capacity magazines were used in at least 23 percent of incidents.
135 percent more people were shot in mass killings than in other gun incidents and 57 percent more deaths resulted from mass shootings than in other gun-related incidents.
Federal Assault Weapons Ban - Senate Vote On Assault Weapons Ban
Ghost Guns / Definition-Ghost Guns / Survivors Videos
What Getting Shot Does To The Body / Videos
When a bullet enters your body, your flesh absorbs a great deal of the momentum the bullet was carrying. All that momentum has to go somewhere.
The bullet transfers it to your body, causing it to expand and create a large cavity, then falling back in on itself. That tremor can cause serious damage to your organs and tissues, even if the bullet doesn’t actually hit them.
After the bullet tears into your flesh, fate rolls the dice. It’s possible to survive being shot, multiple times even, but it largely comes down to the path those bullets take. Connor Narciso, former combat medic and Army Green Beret who served in Afghanistan, says don’t let movies and TV fool you. A single gunshot in the arm or leg is more than enough to kill you if you’re unlucky. The American Shooting Journal
Gun Control Facts, That You Should Be Mad About! The Brooklyn Rail - Founded in October 2000 and currently published 10 times annually, the Brooklyn Rail provides an independent forum for arts, culture, and politics throughout New York City and far beyond. Joshua Daniel
What Makes The AR-15 Style Rifle The Weapon Of Choice For Mass Shooters?
Highland Park Illinois shooter, Robert Crimo, purchased a Smith and Wesson M&P 15 rifle online and picked it up at a store in the area.
The 21-year-old perpetrator had been questioned by police twice. in the past 3 years. Robert Crimo told cops, he was a depressed drug user.
The Highland Park killings, happened less than three years after police went to Crimo’s home following a call from a family member who said he was threatening “to kill everyone there.” In April 2019 police, also responded to a reported suicide attempt by Crimo. He also posted anti-semitic and racist content on his social media. Still, He Was Allowed To Buy Guns Online! Highland Park shooter, legally purchased 5 guns despite worrying encounters with police. By Becky Sullivan (NPR)
The Highland Park Shooting Was One Of, 314 (Three Hundred And Fourteen), Mass Shootings In 2022, According to. the Gun Violence Archive, a nonprofit that tracks shootings in the US.
A Guide To Mass Shootings in America
As Shootings Like These Continue, So Do Questions About Sensible, Gun Control.
The American People Want To Know, What Strategies Is The US Government Taking, To Eliminate Gun Violence.
Civil Rights Leader Ella Baker We Who Believe In Freedom, Cannot Rest.
Gun Violence Prevention (Position Paper) AAFP American Academy Of Family Physicians
Why Gun Violence Can't Be Our New Normal. Youtube auto-plays
Gun Violence In The United States. The Educational Fund To Stop Gun Violence
Whether you love or hate guns; it's un-deniable, that the United States would be a safer place if there weren't thousands of them sold every day without background checks.
Dan Gross, President of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, makes a passionate, appeal for something that more than 90 percent of Americans want, background checks for all gun sales. The TED Talks Channel
Bipartisan Safer Communities Act 2022 The bill was passed by the House on June 24 by a vote of 234–193, with 14 Republicans voting in favor alongside all 220 Democrats.
The bill was signed into law by President Joe Biden on June 25, 2022. It is the first major gun safety legislation passed by Congress in nearly 30 years.
The bill; implemented several changes to the mental health system, school safety programs, and gun safety laws.
Gun safety laws in the bill include extended background checks for gun purchasers under 21, clarification of Federal Firearms License requirements, funding for state red flag laws and other crisis intervention programs, further criminalization of arms trafficking and straw purchases, and partial closure of the boyfriend loophole.
America’s Complex Relationship With Guns An in-depth look at the attitudes and experiences of US adults. Gun Safety And Responsibilities Of Gun Owners By Kim Parker, Juliana Menasce Horowitz, Ruth Igielnik, J Baxter Oliphant And Anna Brown