Hey college students reading this because your professor made you sign up — want to make an easy $2,000?
Because after Anthony Watts failed to solicit a single student submission for his "do my job for me" contest of writing climate disinfo, he's trying again, re-opening up the "contest" in hopes of receiving a submission from anyone in a demographic that doesn't remember where they were when they heard that JFK was assassinated.
The topic is "Is there really a climate crisis?" and in case you were wondering, the answer they're looking for is "No".
"Write the best arguments," he charges students, "against the theory of man-made catastrophic global warming that would convince your neighbors that there is no climate crisis."
You have until August 15th to put together your best impression of a climate denier, and send your draft over to Tony at wattsup@sbcglobal.net.
Fortunately, you can remain anonymous, so long as you let WUWT staff verify your identity as a student, which means you won't be held accountable for taking a shot at making an easy $2,000 mocking them.
Second place is an $800 reward, and both prizes include an autographed copy of Watt's book, "plus up to 20 copies to distribute to other students" because Tony wants you to do his distribution work for him, too, in addition to drafting blog posts!
So please, submit something, anything, because at this rate it feels like if he doesn't prove to his funders that he's serving climate disinfo to children, Tony will be piling those books up in a van and bribing schoolchildren at recess to take them by offering them free candy.
(Oh, and please let us know if you do submit something, because… lol.)