Calling the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection “a little riot” is like calling Marjorie Taylor Greene “a little dense.” It doesn’t quite capture the full scope of the horrors.
Greene, whose only real nod to racial and ethnic diversity is the fact that her brain is mostly flan, remains oddly unperturbed by the violent coup her pale-assed posse precipitated on Jan. 6, 2021. The Capitol riot, which led directly to the deaths of five Americans, was just a minor donnybrook, according to Greene.
“The people that came—most of them that came to Washington, D.C., that day—were there to support President [Donald] Trump,” said Greene. “On one side of the Capitol, people were singing, they were praying. I mean it was, you know, amazing. The other side of the Capitol, yeah, there was a little riot going on. Approximately ... 800 people went inside the Capitol, but there was a very small percent there in total that day out of all the people that were there that actually did anything wrong. And they are being persecuted, it's a political witch hunt.”
Uh huh. And I’m sure lots of Germans were merrily singing tavern songs in rathskellers while Panzers blitzed through Poland. Not really the point!
Right. “Little” riot ...
Meanwhile, in an apparent attempt to smear every LGBTQ parent in the nation as unfit, Greene also brutally insulted anyone who’s ever adopted a child or been a step-parent.
GREENE: “Children are in the greatest danger in America today because traditional family values are being destroyed. The idea that Mom and Dad—not fake Mom and fake Dad, but biological Mom and biological Dad—can raise their children together and do what’s right for their children ...”
Of course, the Georgia congresswoman styles herself as an ultra-Christian, but she might be the only example in the history of Christianity where Jesus’ love is unreciprocated. Yeah, I know He loves us all and wants all His creation to be exalted and cleansed in the eternal beatific vision, but … ew. Her? Are we sure she accepted Christ as her personal savior? Did she fill in all the paperwork correctly? Did someone maybe bring her pizza and bottled water while she was waiting in line at the pearly gates—because that’s a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail under Georgia law and would likely nullify any claim she has to eternal life. Look into it, okay? There has to be a loophole somewhere. For now, toss her in a holding cell with Pat Robertson. Oh, Pat Robertson’s not dead yet? Really? How can he not be dead? He’s like a Furby covered in beef and scrotums. Get him up here ASAP. Someone’s made a terrible mistake.
So maybe Greene needs to explain to the American people exactly what part of that deadly riot was “little”—and why she hates adoptive parents. Because those views seem a bit—I don’t know—out of touch and radical.
Check out Aldous J. Pennyfarthing’s four-volume Trump-trashing compendium, including the finale, Goodbye, Asshat: 101 Farewell Letters to Donald Trump, at this link. Or, if you prefer a test drive, you can download the epilogue to Goodbye, Asshat for the low, low price of FREE.