I DM’d a Russian friend yesterday;
“It looks like Putin's announced a partial mobilization, and that soldiers contracts have been extended indefinitely. Apparently, it's because the war is going so well that Ukraine is about to collapse...”
My friend agreed that I could post their response here. So here it is;
“I’m worried sick about my friends in Russia, 300k soldiers will be mobilized in the first wave, the next wave will be dangerous for most of them.
I have some inside info from my close friends, about their drafted relatives;
They say that the fucks [are] just recruiting random people across Russia. Without combat experience, etc. Instead of the three or four months of training that the government is claiming they’ll get, they’re getting around ten (10) days.
FSB people are joking about this in cafes in my home town. They are literally saying that everyone in the first wave is a dead man.”
There’s not much I can add to that.